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Everything posted by systalink

  1. Thanks Hedge!! Got the pic. The car is booked in next Wed for further investigation. I'll mention the possible source of the smoke. I'll let you know how I get on.
  2. Many thank to you 'Beyond Help?' Great explanation. That makes a lot of sense. Do you think I should insist that Ford replace it. It's under warranty, but they reckon is has a new Glow Plug alreay. Would they be able to test if it is getting hot enough? They told me that they could only tesy the heater if the tep is low enough? Is this right? Surely there's some way of checking the heater without it being really cold. Any ideas??
  3. Could you tell me where the induction pipe is and what it looks like - I feel I'm going to have to go back to Ford and I'd like to appear to know what I'm talking about. Where abouts on the sill does the heater go in?? Thanks
  4. HI I'm also having a white smoke and diesel smell issue with my gal. Is your smoke getting into the car itself, or is it just outside?
  5. So basically, I need to get the heater fixed. Another thing I'm unsure about are the vents between the driver and front passenger seats at the rear of the handbrake area. Should heated air come out of these vents onto the feet of the peopl in the second row - or are they for something else??? Apologies for being dull!!! :rolleyes:
  6. No way....Wot was the outcome? - how did you sort out the problem of smoke coming in through the seat belt area. I'd be really grateful if you could let me know. Thanks
  7. Videoing it sounds like a good idea - I'll try that! Hopefully I won't crash the bloody thing whilst doing it. It's just so annoying, not being able to understand why its happening. It seems so randommmmmmmm
  8. I took the Galaxy into my Ford dealer this afternoon again, after yesterday's smoke incident. They said that it didn't sound normal, but they couldn't do anything further until they actually saw for themselves the smoke I was describing. I have to drive to their garage immediately the next time it happens. How reasurring! If they can smell the diesel fumes they will replace the heater for a new one. They also said that I already have a new Glow bulb installed - they checked this when they first investigated the problem last week. So, basically I've got to wait now until the car fills with smoke again. Great! Don't know what else to do really. :rolleyes: Does anyone know if Ford have issued anything about this problem. Are they aware of any design fault, etc??
  9. I small amount of greyish smoke is normal during initial operation of the aux heater, may last for a few minutes and may be more noticeable if you stop (say at traffic lights) early in the journey. It should only happen on cool/cold days with a cool/cold engine. If the car is still under warranty then I would be straight back to the dealer and say that it is unacceptable and in no way should any of these fumes be entering the car! Many thanks. I think I will have to. Is it just me that has had smoke in the car??? Lots of people have had mentioned smoke, but I just assumed that they meant that it was coming into the car as well. This is really worrying. Can anyone suggest why or how it is coming in? It was coming in through the hole where the seat belt comes out of, and through the vent above the wheel in the back - just below where my two yr sits!!!!! Thanks
  10. Apologies and thanks for the reply to my earlier comment. I must be going a bit doooolally - posted twice. Ooops. Do you think my Ford dealer will take kindly to me suggesting that it needs a new glo plug - it's still under warranty you see.
  11. I'm new to this site and have found the comments really helpful. I'm also having the diesel smell and white smoke issue with my Gal, but it's a really intermitent problem. I took it to my dealer who ran diagnostics and a booster test on the heater ( I had to leave it over night, so that it could be tested in the morning in the cold temps) and they couldn't find a fault. But since then, I've had the smoke again coming into the car. They did say to drive it straight down to them, so that they could check it out, but it happened yesterday and they're not open on a Sunday! Typical. Some people have said that some white smoke is normal - but how much. SHould it be coming into the car via the seatbelt hole as well as the little vent above the tyre? I find the the smell really worrying. I have 2 small children with me in the car and I'm concerned that the smoke and the smell are harmful to them. A lot of people have said that this can be solved by the Glo plug being replaced - why does it happen?, wot is a glo plug and will it defo solve the problem do you think? I'd be really grateful for any help.
  12. I'm new to this site and have found the comments really helpful. I'm also having the diesel smell and white smoke issue with my Gal, but it's a really intermitent problem. I took it to my dealer who ran diagnostics and a booster test on the heater ( I had to leave it over night, so that it could be tested in the morning in the cold temps) and they couldn't find a fault. But since then, I've had the smoke again coming into the car. They did say to drive it straight down to them, so that they could check it out, but it happened yesterday and they're not open on a Sunday! Typical. Some people have said that some white smoke is normal - but how much. SHould it be coming into the car via the seatbelt hole as well as the little vent above the tyre? I find the the smell really worrying. I have 2 small children with me in the car and I'm concerned that the smoke and the smell are harmful to them. A lot of people have said that this can be solved by the Glo plug being replaced - why does it happen?, wot is a glo plug and will it defo solve the problem do you think? I'd be really grateful for any help.
  13. Hi, I've read the numerous comments about the problems people are having with their aux heaters. Mine is working I think, but intermittently seems to be filling the car with loads of white smoke. It also smells really strongly of diesel. Is this smoke and smell harmful to my toddler and baby when in the car? I've had the car checked at my local Ford dealer who have run a diagnostic, but they can't find a fault with the heater - even having done a booster test! - whatever that is! Does anybody have any clues as to why this could be?????. Is this a normal occurance? thanks
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