Help ... I have a 1996 SEAT Alhambra (I know ... and I'm sorry.. it should have been a Galaxy) this has been the best car we ever purchased from a reliability perspective until recently. We moved house in Feb last year and since then have been parking the car under trees ... :20: and loh and behold the shuttle drains got blocked and the central locking control unit went for a swim (well probably several actually). At first the car dried out and all was OK ... apart from the alarm has not worked correctly until recently (control unit replaced) but not only did the alarm, the electric windows and the central locking misbehave ... but the speedo stopped working as well. So, having read the posts from this site and determined what was going wrong and what I needed to do about it I attempted to fix the problem ... cleared the shuttle drains and then looked at the control unit. There was absolutely no way I could fix this without replacing it, it had started to rot the actual circuit board not just the components on it. So I went on a hunt for the unit.. can no longer get the part in .. so I had to buy it from a main dealer ... and that hurt a lot... this car is really for the nanny and not my main mode of transport so the cost was a little on the high side (