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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by MrEnigma

  1. Will this work on a 2002 Galaxy? I have a VAG-COM on the way, and only 1 key, my local frauds quoted me
  2. I believe ac flashing means the system needs a top up. mine is doing that and not had chance to get it done yet
  3. My noise problem here was fixed by replacing the serpentine belt. Noise has gone away. I did notice the tensioner was bouncing , not as much now but my belt was worn (nice a shinny). I will check the alternator later as I just read about the alternator pulley potentially being an issue.
  4. Same here, I am going to get the belt changed and will post here. I tried to turn the wheel with engine off (very hard work) no noice. on Idle - slight movment of steering and the noise is there. increase engine speed and turn wheel even only a little and lots of noise... sounds like power steering to me and if its only low engine speed then its most likely the pump is not working properly (belt slippaged?)
  5. I have recently started getting this same issue. Low engine revs and turning makes it notchy/noise when turning the steering. a few weeks back my dash display started "alternator - workshop" or something like that and the battery light lit up for a short time. I think the alternator belt needs replacing - I understand this belt also powers the steering pump . am I correct? belt change might resolve it..
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