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Ford Galaxy Owners Club


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Everything posted by shahed

  1. Hi Had a similar prob on my lucida. changed front discs & pads improved a little. Changed rear drumps & shoes problem solved
  2. Hi, Galaxy 02 TDi Need some advice folks. Drivers side window not working. I used the the key to overide so all the windows shut (which worked). If I lower the window via the switch it comes down with a funny crunching sound, it wont go up.... any ideas???? kind regards
  3. Galaxy 02 1.9 tdi cleaning out the car, all the doors open too many bulbs on didnt notice 30-40mins later dead battery..... asked the neighbour to get it jumped didnt work (little citroen battery).... RAC to rescue.... few days later car dead..... RAC rescue love them FRAUD dealers new battery
  4. who needs FRAUD dealers when you have this great site..... has anyone not had a front passenger side swimming pool ? i did and got it sorted right here..... luv you guys..... no more mist in the mornings too
  5. who did you buy the car off ? some1 seems to have connected it wrong. i wonder is it coz it didnt work (rear jet).... any passenger frontside puddles?
  6. shahed


    i guess we all notice this the clock no back light, then rear wiper washer not working wet or really wet front passenger bay.... lol... clock easily prises off, simple connecters but i wouldn't pull too hard trying to pull the clock off (cables might snap) take out old bulb, check your local FRAUD dealers probably charge you
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