Hello all Some months ago after purchasing a Galaxy I came on this site to get some advice, I have to say the site is excellent and I think I have my problem almost fixed. My initial problem was no heat at all in the cabin, did the usual, new water pump, thermostat etc. Eventually my problem was diagnosed as a faulty flap under the dash (hint from this site) and I had it corrected. I now have the following situation: (first I have to say that my Aux heater is not working or never has, Im under the impression that there should be some heat regardless) It takes about 7 miles for the heater to start heating the cabin which I assume is correct with no Aux heater, then from time to time the air goes cold and then hot again, If I stop driving and rev the car I get instant heat, this leads me to believe I have a circulation problem of some kind, since I had the water pump replaced I am assuming that the newer pumps dont have the propeller falling off problem ! I also replaced the electric pump on top of the engine, could it be that now I have a dodgy matrix or air in the system or could it be that because the Aux system is not working the system is not balanced- this seems odd as the Aux does not always kick in anyway. Any help would be great as it has been in the past, by the way my temp gauge stays steady at 90, if anyone thinks its air can they reccomend an effective way to bleed the system. Are there any valves in the system that might prevent circulation other that the thermostat ? Thanks for the help Mike.