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Everything posted by timwood2000

  1. JIMSTDI - got an photos?
  2. Sorry if I'm being a bit thick here, but I am experiencing knocks from above the front wheels - I originally thought my shocks had gone (but at 10,000 m?), but seeing your item, could it be this instead? Thanks for any thoughts on the matter
  3. I am planning on replacing my 5000 head unit with an Alpine CD Tuner. Do I need to consider anything about doing this or is it straightforward. I have the factory fit DVD as well and this is linked to the 5000 unit for power (I think). Any advice/caution wouldbe welcomed.
  4. Another for Davethref: If you work in the city, why not drive your car to Dynamic, and you can get no.35 or 40 bus into the City over London Bridge amd collect car later in day? Only 20 min bus trip max.
  5. For Davetheref: Yes, mine is the factory fit DVD system. Good luck, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. Cheers Tim
  6. The aerial is made up to two stickers on the rear qtr light window (bit like a heated rear screen element) and a small box which also is attached to thr glass. The box is about 2in x 2 in. The window still opens as normal. The tuner itself, is sited under the driver's seat and no wires etc are visible. The remote control reciever is tiny and I have mine on the front console of the DVD unit itself. Dynamic Sounds is in the Walworth Road, just south of the Elephant and Castle. The shop is just past Carter Place and the fitting centre is just behind the old police station in Carter Place. Their phone number is 0207 252 6061. They basically do all kinds of ICE inc sat nav, custom ICE builds etc. V friendly and helpful. Good luck!
  7. Yeah, it was me. I had a TV tuner added so that you can watch TV as well as DVD, but more importantly, TV tuners also have a built in FM modulator, which allows you to listen to TV or DVD's through the car's speakers via the head unit, by tuning one of your presets to 89.4FM (differs from unit to unit). The TV reception is better than I was expecting, although do not expect to be able to watch on the move, other than stop/start traffic. Stationary, it is fantastic, and you can watch TV on one screen and DVD on the other, chosing which to listen to via headphones and which over the speakers. Fitted cost was
  8. Great, thanks for the pics and links - quite pricey tho' aren't they?
  9. Does anyone know if side steps are available for the Galaxy? You see them of Voyagers etc, but I have never seen them on a Galaxy - but would be useful as my kids have trouble climing in and out.
  10. Can I take it that the order was cancelled then? I would be v interested to see the screen built into the dash top storage - seems a much better/safer place to site it rather than the head unit position? If you have pics, pls post them on this site
  11. I went ahead and has this done - now have TV as well as DVD and can hear the sound thru' the speakers and/or headphones. Now can watch TV on one screen, DVD on the other - works a treat and has the added bonus that you can add up to 3 more inputs now e.g. video player etc - fitted cost was
  12. Had my 115 6sp for a week now, and only got 375 miles out of the first tank, although most of it was at 85-90mph - the computer shows it averaging 33mpg overall
  13. Has anyone added an FM modulator and TV tuner to the DVD system? Does it work ok and what did it cost?
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