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In the interest of "Giving back", I thought I'd write up my personal experience of removing both Front & Rear Parking Sensors from a Galaxy MK11- Don't know if this warrants being "Sticky" and I'm probably being over presumptuous for a newbie but here goes . . . .




 1. Using a flat blade screwdriver, carefully insert it between the black plastic bumper trim and the bumper, at the furthest edge from the number plate (Round the wing's side, near the wheel arch) - I put a piece of cloth between the screwdriver and the painted bumper, for protection.

2. Next, lever the screwdriver back towards your wheel (Holding the screwdriver parallel to the ground) and it will start to release the black trim.

3. With the black trim starting to come away, insert your screwdriver further under the trim (To get more leverage and minimise any visible damage from the levering) and GENTLY lever the trim out some more, just until you can get to the first available Parking Sensor.

4. On the Bumper Trim, there are 2 x semi-flexible retaining lugs, placed top & bottom of the sensor.  You need to VERY CAREFULLY prise these retaining lugs apart and push GENTLY, the sensor out of the Bumper Trim, towards the car.  (BE VERY CAREFUL as the wires are very short from the sensors to the loom and you will cause damage if you're too hasty / rough)

5. Follow the Bumper Trim round, CAREFULLY levering it out until the next Parking Sensor is available to extract and do as above (point 4.)


So, your bumper trim is now free of sensors and is lying on the floor, your Parking Sensors are dangling from your bumper.


6. To get the Parking Sensor out of it's plug and the loom, you need to GENTLY insert a small screwdriver at 90 Degrees to the plug, into the OBLONG hole at the end of the plug (NOT the Square hole!) and GENTLY lever it away from the parking Sensor (In the direction of the loom wires).  This will release the little clip that holds the Parking Sensor into the plug.




Exactly the same as the Front sensors, except you're lying on your back, getting crud in your eyes & mouth (And your tongue, which must be protruding to aid concentration   :P )

Just follow steps 4. to 6. as above and delete the word "Trim".



I really hope this is of some help to someone because in my 5 days of being a Galaxy owner, this Forum has been invaluable to me so far - thank you to everyone who has held my hand through virgin ownership issues. :15:



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