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My central locking has recently started to play up. Locking the drivers door engages the locks on all the other doors as long as you hold the key hard over in the lock.


When I try to lock the car using the passenger door lock, all the other locks appear to be opening and closing together as if they're 'hunting' for the final lock position. When they finally do engage, the driver's door fails to lock!


Incidentally, my rear wash wipe packed up at the same time. It was only when we had the first really Autumn morning recently that I switched on the heated rear screen and the rear wash wipe began to work and continues to work off that switch!!!!!!!!!


Ford Galaxy 2.0 GLXi (1997 'R')


Any suggestions?


sounds like your drivers door motor is seizing up

as you have to force it to lock

Then when locking from other door locks all but drivers stays locked then it tells all the other doors to open



Take door panel off and add a dash of wd40

till working smooth






It's not so much that I have to force it over as just hold the key over until the system locks.


Thanks for the advise though. My father suggested the same thing so I'll give it a go this weekend.


I edited my original post to include a problem with my RWW. Any ideas there?






Check the wiring from the body to the rear door they tend to break and to fray revealing the wiring it may be shorting to the other wire

Therefore turning both on



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