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My rear passenger electric window is stuck in the down position.

I have tried the usual methods global closing ect. the motor clicks when trying to open the window, but nothing happens when trying to close the window. The wiring looks ok but i have to remove the winder to check it further.

Havis checked my tis manual I know I have to remove the winder mechanism. But herein lies my problem, the window won't go up or down. I can't access the two clamps to remove the glass to take out the winder.(the window is to far down i can get the hinge side one undone, but not the lock side one) short of breaking the window I am flumoxed any ideas lads and lasses. or is it a trip to frauds to fix the problem with my cheque book.


Andy B


why does it always happen on a bank holiday


without having seen it - can you not manually turn the mechanism (since from your description the motor is running but not operating the mechanism) to move the window and so align the clamps to the access holes.


Is the click from the motor because the mechanism/glass stuck somehow??

I would hope that their is a way but I don't know if it is possible. I know you can manually close an electric sunroof.
I have tried the usual methods global closing ect. the motor clicks when trying to open the window, but nothing happens when trying to close the window. The wiring looks ok but i have to remove the winder to check it further.


Without the engine running, try connecting a multimeter across the battery and see if the voltage drops slightly when you try to close the window (compare with a working window).


If the voltage drops slightly (maybe only a few millivolts) with either window then it is probably getting power and the problem could be mecahnical.


If there is a drop with the good window but nothing with the faulty one then it isnt getting any power and could well be the wiring in the door or somewhere further back.


Is there a connector accessable nearby where you can check for voltage on the appropriate wires ?


If so, and you prove that power ISNT getting that far, then maybe you could feed a temporary supply to the motor just to close the window whilst you locate the fault.





there is a connector but I don't know which wire is which - find this out and cross wire the open to close and try 'opening the window'.
Umm - I can't tell from tis but it could be that the window motor and regulator are not separate (module a124) in which case the regulator may be borked so the only way be manualy. :lol: :lol:
Have you checked the wiring between the door and frame inside the rubber tube cover, as these wires are prone to snapping/wearing out. Might seem a bit obvious, but that is what it turned out to be with mine, simple connector block sorted it.

the window motor and regulator are one whole unit...i have one here in my house...could a cable have come loose so it wont move the window????


If you want i could post a pic of what it looks like.


this happened to us with the rear left passenger window and the garage told us the motor had gone..i didnt think so..but the guy had already taken the regulator out so he put a plank of wood in the door to hold the window up! :lol:


When im allowed..im gonna put the bugger back in and check all wiring.(im not allowed at the mo as the car was off the road 3 days while i did the linkage.. :lol: )


Right guys and girls,

I have tried the wires they are okay I can only assume the winder is broken or stuck/jammed any ideas how i can take the window out with it stuck in the down position. there seems to be no fail safe like the sunroof to wind the window up a bit to get at the clamps holding the glass in place. the tis isn't much help as it only shows how to take out the window when it is working properly.

not having seen the inside of the door its difficult to suggest anything can you post some pics ??

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