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Guest terryshaz

Hiya all, hope all is well? :D


Little help needed please. I have a MKII Ford Galaxy v6 auto and was wondering if anyone knew of best engine upgrade options to boost the power :lol: , I believe currently running about 204bhp. I have heard of engine remaps, better air filters and exhausts. Anyone done this and if so any idea on costs and impact etc.


Thanks in advance for your time.


Best regards Terry


IIRC a member was toying with the idea of supercharging.


In my humble (boring?) view if the V6 doesn't have enough power for you, you have totally the wrong vehicle.


Regards - JB


u could try fitting the F40 engine in ur gal :D :lol:




I think the usual way is getting extra power is to get ur cylinder heads reworked, ((high lift cams etc)) then filter and exhaust upgrades then ur ecu remapped.... :D


Maybe a specialist would be able to advice u better,,,,:D

My TDi at 115BHp has no problem spinning the wheels, how are you going to get all that extra power down onto the deck? WRONG VEHICLE, DON'T DO IT.

No traction control on my TDi Ghia.


You have to be very easy on the throttle in the wet when pulling out of a side road.


Regards - JB

Guest galaxykid
I have a MKII Ford Galaxy v6 auto


You could de-cat it, fit a free flow induction kit, get a ECU remap? that should gain you 10/15 bhp, but the biggest loss of power you have is the auto box :D try getting it handling and stopping better then move on to the power increase, no point getting to the corner faster if you cant go round it :lol:

Guest MATT jr
  johnb80 said:
You have to be very easy on the throttle in the wet when pulling out of a side road.

:lol: :D


you have to try incredibly hard to get ours to wheel spin.


its only done it once, was facing up hill, was turning at the same time as accelerating, and the road had gravel on it, and was wet.


other than that, it doesn't wheel spin, and no traction control?




In my handbook for my 98 model,,,,,it says the abs acts as traction control,,,,,,,if it detects a wheel going faster than the others it applies the brakes to that wheel to stop it wheel spinning



Its what made the mondeo famous,,,,,,first production car not to wheelspin????????


Traction control does work by reducing engine power and operating the brake on the spinning wheel. That of course only applies when TC is fitted, there's also usually a button to defeat it and a light that confirms it's operating. none of the above are on mine and I most certainly can spin the wheels with absolute ease on wet roads and with determination on dry roads.


Regards - JB

My handbook mentions heated seats, I don't have them either. Are you sure it's standard fit on all Gals?

I assume if u have ABS,,, then u would have the BTCS


And if u read my first post i said

"I thought all gals where fitted with traction control upto 15mph"



So now I know ,,,,,most of u dont have BTCS


The VR6 new 24V and old 12V engines, have very limited effects unless you want to spend a lot of money.


Helping the engine breath better helps and a chip will help a little with the mid range but no drastic power increases 10-20bhp.



There are Schrick manifolds available, that improve throttle responce and the mid range on the 12v engines and a 15bhp top end.


The only real way is to go the Supercharging route with an instant 250 - 350 bhp, but at a high cost of

Guest galaxykid

IIRC Mk1's had BTCS only on the 2.8 4x4 as standard the Mk2's 2.8's have ESP with TC as standard, for other models its an option thats available with the Technology pack and in both cases it's a non switchable system ? <_<

and if mattjr can only get the wheels to spin uphill on a wet road coated with gravel then they have some power issues! as in they aint got none ;)

Guest marcusheawood

I'm afraid supercharging is a no-no, there really isn't any room in there for any extra kit!


A decent gasflowed head: (http://www.tsr-performance.com/) plus the shrick VSR and a really good dyno setup: (http://www.amdtechnik.com/product.details.cfm?ProductID=73&VariantID=64&ReferenceID=274) will transform the Mark 1 engine from a slow revving gutless gas guzzler into a proper elastic band, it won't be cheap though... <_<

Guest galaxykid

We are continually developing new and exciting products for the VW Sharan 3.2 V6 so please keep checking back regularly.


mmm that sounds like fun where abouts do AMD find these? or do they build them themselves? :(


On my Mk2 the ESP is switchable from the bottom left of the big chunky buttons on the centre console. When you disable it or when it operates, you get an orange circle in the intrument cluster coming on.


It seems to operate differently from my Mk1, on the Mk1 when the "traction control" operated, it sounded like someone was smashing away rapidly under the engine with a sledgehammer. On the Mk2 it is like the engine has died, which can be scary when pulling across a narrow gap in traffic.

Guest marcusheawood

TBH the so called 'traction control' on the Mark 1 is a lame joke, and really only intended for pulling away on ice or snow.


It uses the ABS system (just because you can doesn't mean you should!) to selectively apply brake to whichever driven wheel is slipping most, thereby forcing the diff to transfer torque to the other driven wheel causing that to slip instead.


It's shit and theres no easy way to disable it. In practice of course if you really are scratting off the line then the speedo will read more than 15 mph anyway, thereby defeating the system. :lol:


Oh, and yes AMD do develop their own products have you seen their Ultimate RS6 engine spec. (dribble, dribble, spurt) :ph34r:

Guest marcusheawood

...Oh, and mumof4 the Ferrari F60 is AKA the Enzo, and that is CATEGORICALLY NOT a hideous car, you're thinking of the crummy F50!


...and FFS jb why are you still trotting out the same old drivel about a V6 Sharan being too powerful then using that same sharp intake of breath to tell us about your TDi Tyre shredding antics! Get consistant will ya :ph34r: :lol: In fact just go and get a nice mug of Horlicks and take your tablets!


So until I can afford an AMD Audi RS6 Avant (*gasp, moan) , I'll stick with the Sharan!

  marcusheawood said:
...and FFS jb why are you still trotting out the same old drivel about a V6 Sharan being too powerful then using that same sharp intake of breath to tell us about your TDi Tyre shredding antics! Get consistant will ya  :ph34r:  :lol: In fact just go and get a nice mug of Horlicks and take your tablets!

The only point I was making is simply that if a lowly 115 is CAPABLE of wheel spinning, the V6 should do it with ease (if it's as good as you V6'rs claim). Taking that as read just what is the point of more power? the Gal is simply not capable of getting to down onto the road so you acheive nothing.


Clearly the above simple thought process is way too complex for your single cell brain to comprehend MORON.


To all the others, sorry for allowing this to get personal but this dickhead started it :D Once again a sensible discussion has deteriorated into personal remarks from a relative newbie which seems to be the way things go on here. The demise of this forum continues.

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