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Can't Use Local Rubbish Dump Anymore.

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Not on an industrial estate I wasn't. I learned in Bournemouth, 3 half days on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and test Thursday morning. I was 17 years, 6 days old when I passed my test....
umm, I did two 3 hour lessons + one hour the following week before the test and passed :( although I had 1 lesson 18 years before in ... Bournemouth !! before moving away
Guest MATT

yep - that's when the test was easy, and when people listened to you.


now the test is harder, and half your learners don't listen!


there's very few learners, who do listen to you, and then put it into practice, and there the ones who pass the quickest.


nowadays it takes 2 weeks just to get a theory test! and another 4 or 5 weeks for the driving test.



Guest MATT

...i would be interested to know how many members on this forum have tailgated a learner, or someway placed pressure on the learner.


i find other road users are very impatient with learners!



Not me! I am always patient and easy going on learners even if they are doing a 20 Point turn on an Industrial Estate!
Guest MATT

if its a big problem, have you asked the instructor not to use the site?




I remember when driving on L plates lots of people would overtake, tailgate etc in situations where they problably wouldn't otherwise, it seems an expectation of some folk that learner drivers should not be on the road, like all drivers you get the whole spectrum oif abilities. I would also have to say that I've seen some driving instructors (assuming so due to driving school car one occupant) do some pretty dodgy things (no offence intended Matt - no tarring with same brush).


that's when the test was easy


Having lived in London for years and close to work ever since I had no reason to drive and I did my test only about 6 years ago - 100% theory 1 minor practical

since then they have introduced the hazard perception part - I can think of many current drivers who would struggle much more under the current test regime :(

When i was taking my last test,all the instructors sat in the room were discussing the hazzard perception test as they all have to do it now.One of them said that he had got the pc rom for it and couldnt get above 25!!!!! welll most of them said that they were going to put it off for as long as possible as they thought it was hard to do!!that says a lot really..the test is harder now..(well...from when i first started taking lessons many many many many moons ago!!before i had a family to think of!!) :blink:
Guest MATT

its silly!


we have spent years and years keeping our eyes on hazards - when you've got a learner driving, you have to!


its just the fact its on a computer, it throws people off!


i have passed mine, did it with my son, when he did his.


and yes - people do take silly risks when they see L plates!



  • 2 months later...

I declare this thread well and truly hijacked !!!


Back to topic - I cannot take my Gal to the local tip as it is closed for 6 months for rebuilding. Local council is offering no alternative; suggests we use the main Borough Council tip around 15 miles away .. wow that is so environmentally unsound ! Oh, and we don't get a reduction in council tax for the loss of this amenity either.


6 Months for rebuilding? What are they doing, building a multi-story?


Well, funny you should say that ... from a level surface from which you climb up steps to drop your "stuff" into the giant bins, they are building an elevated "balcony" onto which you drive, so you just drop your stuff into the container bins (ie they raise the "roadway" so it will be level with the top of the bins). 6 months does seem very excessive though .....

Guest MATT jr

6 months does seem very excessive though .....


thats because, 1 man does the work, while 5 watch :)



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