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Guest vr6galaxy
Anyone looked at the top ten posters lately? seen who's popped into the top ten? :lol: must be a fast track membership :lol: give it till the middle of april and Ivor will be ousted off his throne http://www.odysseyscuba.com/mrw/bronco/pjb/smilie/postwhore.gif
must have nothing better to do :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: you lot taking a pop at me?? :lol:



Not my fault some of you get me into conversations that have nothing to do with cars!!


though i have asked and recieved invaluable help.


carry on love after all it is titled general discussion and nonsense :lol:

after all the must have known you were coming when this section was being titled :lol:

now now steve its not her fault her minds gone :lol:
Guest neil_wiles
Keep going M we all have fun on the forum so feel free to post anything it stops the forum from being stale and driven by foul language and qwerty battles.
just a thought mo4 is that you practising your roundabout manouvers ;) :wub:

see give her one chance and it becomes 10 posts :lol: :lol:

stop it you will help her get to the top slot by easter at this rate :D :lol:

i go away and watch me stargate


and we thought you were off filmig your next avatar :lol: :D


















apologies if you are offended but I am feeling out of sorts today after suffering the unkindest cut this morning :lol: :lol: :lol:

apologies if you are offended but I am feeling out of sorts today after suffering the unkindest cut this morning   



None needed



wot happened this morn?


unkindest cut = vas......tomy :lol: :lol: ;)


















wot no witty comments ? :ph34r:

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