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A friend of mine (ex V6 owner) has told me that there are filters actually inside the fuel lines on petrol gals. Fag end type things he says. Does anyone know if this is true or not ? I can't find anything on the TIS disc or the Haynes book.

I cant find anything on the TIS or Haynes,,,,,,,,,,,,, :D



Would you need to replace the whole pipe to renew these filters,,,,,,,, :D :D




Sorry think your pal is talking rubbish B) ( not being impolite or nothing)




But knowing my luck with my gal,,,,,,he might be right :D


The story was that he got sick of his gal running poorly and sold it for a song to someone he knew who changed the fuel lines and brought the thing back to life ! The subject came up because I was banging on about mine running power losses and hesitating.


The possible solution that I'm going to try next (from elsewhere on the site) is to have a look at the connection to the lamda sensor on the exhaust for signs of corrosion. I should say that over the 5 years I've had the car it's been in and out of Frauds and indepedents none of whom have ever found any reason for the poor perfomance. I've changed the MAF, petrol filter (cannister type) etc etc and nothing has ever made any difference.


I'll report back.

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