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From my earlier post Re: Vag.com
My 52 Gal 1.9tdi has suffered the common fate of booster heater failure.  The car has gone in for a routine service today and I have requested a diagnostic check for the Booster Heater
Guest jaseNEWBUYER

:P tell em t bollo..s

:P mines in at fraud friday but still under fraud warranty.

good luk mate :P


I would aks them to replace the glowplug first - 9 times out of 10 it's that .


Make sure they understand that the glowplug in question is in the Bosster heater and not one of the engine varietly!!


The Price quoted is all inc. but its still chuffin steep in my opinion. :( From the reaction of fellow members, I'm obvioulsy not alone in this thought. Fraud dealer wasn't interested in the Glow Plug theory, when I suggested it might be worth persuing they just shrugged thier shoulders :( dave_m has kindly offered his vag.com expertise which hopefully will narrow down the fault possibilities.



I have been led to believe that if you don't ask for the old one back they retain it and send it off for refubishment. And the first thing the refurbishers do is change the glow plug.....
more likely is they won't fit a new heater at all and charge you 400 quid for a glow plug!

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