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hi all, wel i fitted this refurbished booster heater a 5kw model and in a few mins the water pipes coming out of the heater are getting hot, however.... how long does yours take to move the gauge or get warm/hot air from the blower ? this one is now warm after 5 mins but not to normal temp in middle of gauge till about 7 miles of running. still seems slow to warm up to me, or is i paranoid !

if the thermostat was stuck a bit would that still cause longer warm up time or with the amount of heat from the booster wouldnt the thermo open quicker !

maybe even with a booster these engines are still slow to warm up,,, are they ?

if i leave it tickng over from cold on the drive from cold its still only barely warm after 15 mins. but if i drive it its much hotter .

there is a definate improvement from without the booster am i expecting to much from it i wonder ? :P


You are being paranoid.


Settle down.


Take a tablet.


The reason Tdi's do 50mpg is they don't waste your diesel on heat. Its called efficiency!


It's normal.....soon be spring.......time to worry about the A/C instead! :P

yes indeed kid, that thing doesnt work either, its either sit there frozen stiff or in summer boil like a lobster, why did i buy another one of these !!!!!!!!!! it was cheep.

Thermostat opening too early would seem to be the logical answer.


Regards - JB



if i leave it tickng over from cold on the drive from cold its still only barely warm after 15 mins. but if i drive it its much hotter .

The tdi engine will generate more heat when under load.

still seems slow to warm up to me, or is i paranoid !


Did you bleed the coolant circuit when you replaced the D3W heater with the D5w model?

Bleed coolant circuit when booster heater disconnected

If not, can you now follow the heated coolant around the circuit now when the booster heater starts running i.e. is it getting to the front heat exchanger?

coolant circuit flow diagram - 2002 model tdi

As you replaced a D3W (which from memory requires additional coolant pump at the heater) with a D5W (from car which relies on coolant run-on pump in engine comp.) - does your car need an additional coolant pump?

Do you have a rear heater (with heat exchanger)? if so, turn it on also. I find that in my car, as the rear heat exchanger is located before the booster heater (and coolant temp. sensor in the booster heater) in the coolant cricuit that when I turn on the rear heater this causes the booster to fire up quicker/more often. Cooler water coming from rear heater matrix hits coolant temp. sensor in booster heater causing heater to be fired up. Hope that this makes sense :)


Anyway, hope that this helps,


BTW could i suggest that you keep posts relating to the one issue under a single topic as it would help to get the full picture? :)

Mine sails up to halfway between cold and normal and then the booster goes into low output mode I think. The pump certainly reduces how many taps per second so I presume less fuel going in.

yes me did bleed it and did the job on a uphill ramp at pals bus garage .

the pipes from the booster arehot after 5 mins right up to the engine and into the rear heater. wonder if the cold air is overcooling the system, going to try the old fashioned block off the radiator remedy and see if that helps.

the eberspacher dealer said the dw5 is the same as the 3 but a longer heat exchager inside and works in the same way ie pumped around by the water pump on the engine. or as mm said maybe when the needle gets half way to norm the thing goes into half pwer, ill try turnon the rear heater and see what happen.


Martin, I just went to get my son from school and can confirm what I said above.


When the gauge got halfway between and normal the fan in the heater slowed to a lower whine and the fuel pump ticks got farther apart! So defiantly the booster going onto low output.


hi mm does it then take a while to reach the middle of the gauge ?

maybe mine "normal " after all. also mm how long does yours take to get from the bottom to halfway up then ?

Well obviously it depends on how cold it is, but mine went to halfway between the bottom and middle in about 3 minutes, but even after 20 minutes it had only just got above there. That was with the heaters going full out. It never got to the middle.
  Masked Marauder said:
but mine went to halfway between the bottom and middle in about 3 minutes.

:lol: :)


mine takes a lot longer than that! im sure it does?


what temperature was it on your display?



i put a piece of cardboard down the fron behind the grill hole and covbered the rad, it gets much hotter quicker now, so maybe its this very cold weather !! dont think us with the mk1 have the temp in figures just a white block then the word normal then a red block

Right so, just for comparison, and obviously warm up time depends on start temp of engine/coolant, ambient temperature and type of driving but coming home today....


at 18:00, engine off for say 9 hours so is cold, outside temp. of 7 degrees

at 18:01, have driven half a mile stop/start traffic through town with lights only load on, I hear the booster air blower coming on

18:07, have driven another mile, booster still on full, coolant temp. gauge at mid point

18:10, have driven another mile, can see temp. moving up then booster cuts out as temp gauge shows 90 degrees


I then swithced on both front and rear heaters to cool down the coolant slightly. I hear the booster blower kicking in again (possibly part load mode) for about 2 mins to bring temp back up from 88 to 90 degrees.


So say 6 minutes to warm up coolant from cold to 90 degrees+ with outside temp. of 7 degrees and normal driving.



right - did a test this morning--


outside temp according to car - 0 degrees

engine temp - 0 degrees (assumed - as hadn't been run for many hours)

depart house at 8:30 am - started stopwatch

drive most of the way to work at 40 to 60 mph, and some slow town driving

engine reached 70 degrees after 17mins

turned on heaters - front blowers - engine temp went down slightly

destination reached - engine never reached maximum temp


is my car fooked?




if there is a problem, then i will ask the garage to look into it, as its going in soon to have a new cam belt!





Sounds like your coolant thermostat is either not closing or opening too early therefore not allowing coolant temperature to reach 90 drgrees.


I've not replaced one on a Galaxy but should be easy enough to access, cheap to buy, but as you'll need to access the coolant circuit then you'll need to bleed it afterwards,




it will reach 90 if run longer - or put under more load (ie, towing the van)


but at the moment, its very cold, and i have to wear 3 coats to keep me alive lol




will have a look on my tis cd in a min lol


I suspected my thermostat for a while as it also took ages to reach 90, although would get up there on a motorway run.


However, assuming that something is happening at 90 to stop it from rising above that temperature, and it is probably the thermostat opening, then it must be functioning to some extent, even if it is leaking a little bit at lower temperatures.


What speeded up warm-up for me was fixing the booster heater. Now gets noticeably warm in about 2 miles, still takes quite a while to reach 90, and doesn't really ever get there on a day like today just driving around town.




From a cold start this morning mine never got fully warmed up, even after an hour.


Twas cold round this way, and both heaters were going full bore....

Guest blatters

Hi All,


Here is the result of my test carried out Friday morning. TDi 115bhp Galaxy:


Reached 70c after 5mins journey, 3 miles distance.


Reached 90c after 9mins total journey time, 6miles total distance.


On board computer stated that the average speed was 46mph and outside temperature was 5c. Most of the journey was in 6th gear running at 55mph with a short bit (0.5 mile total) at 30mph. Slight uphill incline overall but not much.


Booster heater kicked in as expected. Cabin heater was set at 22c and running on econ mode. It really kicks in and starts blowing air into the cabin at the 3 mile distance when the engine temperature reaches 70c.


Hope that helps.


Sounds like Matt, you may have a problem getting warm.


Best wishes.



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