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hi...checked all the links but no real answer for me......


no probs for the last year with my shazz 1.8T 20v, since the wiper slowdown got me (fixed with removal, drilling and grease) and climate packed up (fixed by opening the windows for cool air, roll on july); until last week.


Car Starts fine from cold but turns over for 10-20 secs and struggles to start from hot. This will put pressure on the battery/starter and my nerves!


Also noticed the rpm jumps up by 1000 or so when changing gear sometimes whilst travelling thru town for a minute or so until it seems to settle (not my poor clutch control, I checked!)


Do the detectives out there have a suggestion where to start looking:





ecu etc...........

Guest vr6galaxy
COOLANT TEMP SENDER ;) try changeing that first! has been reported as the cause of hot start problems on the 1.8T :blink:

:lol: Unless your car built in 1965, I think you'll find that chokes (cough) are a thing of the past.

COOLANT TEMP SENDER fault will give a similar symptom to a stuck choke (running rich). Try changing it.....


Other basic things to check are:


Air filter - when was it last changed?

Spark plugs - last changed?

Leads - what age and mileage?

Last full service when? was it done at a dealer?


Then you will need to move into running diagnostics which interrogate the ECU for logged faults......

  seatkid said:
:lol: Unless your car built in 1965, I think you'll find that chokes (cough) are a thing of the past.

And the ECU determines how much fuel to put in using the COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENDER

  Masked Marauder said:
And the ECU determines how much fuel to put in using the COOLANT TEMPERATURE SENDER

And about a dozen other sensors besides.....

You edited that Kid!
did not! :lol:

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