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The Ford Radio Cassette on our 97 2.3 GL Galaxy has stopped working. I have checked/replaced fuses. Nothing else electrical in cabin has stopped working. I have cleaned gold looking contacts on the thing that flips out to carry around with you when you leave the car - still nothing. Interestingly the red flashing light that is behind the flip out thing is working so looks like the unit is getting power.


The liquid crystal display on the flip out thing has stopped working. does it have it's own internal battery? The backlight for the flip out thing stopped working a couple of years ago but thats a side issue.


I quite like the silence in the car rather than listen to inane banter on radio 1 but the kids are starting to revolt <_<


thanks for all your help in advance.






do you think all the contacts are touching <connecting> when you place the front bit onto the radio?


ive only really used that on one car - my old galaxy, i fitted a fancy CD/radio, and took the front bit with me. im thinking, if you use that option a lot, maybe the "springy" contacts on the face piece have moved back to a point where the main one isn't making contact <ie, the power supply>


its clear the actual radio must have power - another theory is that it is somehow locked, but i don't know much about that - i hate codes/passwords etc - there just there to annoy when u disconnect the battery :huh:


MATT <_<


Matt, thanks for the advice. I have tried gently moving the gold springy things forward but still no dice.


BigDaddy - it's a 2006R RDS. I will go looking for the fuse at the back of the head unit(I presume). Please can you advise on how to get it out or is it accessible some other way?





Please can you advise on how to get it out or is it accessible some other way?



unzip the fly for a start


nip down your motor store, and buy a set of radio removing thingys, they clip into the radio, and a little tug, out it comes


MATT :unsure:

sounds like the display is not working there are replaceable bulbs in the back of the display but even if the display is knacked then you would still get sound unless you have taken the fuse out and its waiting for the code which you eould not be able to put in cus you cant see it !!!!!! reading your first post it says display on the bit that flips out explain pls

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