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I am a newish owner of a well used '97 TDI(115 ?). It is fine apart from a lack of acceleration in the middle of the range. It picks up nicely above 2000RPM but dies as if something has swiched off at 2800. Under light throttle or cruising in 5th it revs up the range happily but on hill starts and pulling out into traffic it's very hard work.


I've tried disconnecting the MAF as advised earlier but this made no noticable difference.


It had 139k on the clock when I bought it in June and now has 151k going up nicely at a steady 750 miles per tankful. I've had the local garage sevice it twice and had the cambelt and all the trimmings done and it does not appear to be getting any worse. Other than this and about 4 inches of slack in the driver's wiper I cannot fault it although it does look it's age, but then so do I.


I should be pleased to know of any suggestions or warnings.





Disconnecting the maf made no difference - therefore it's faulty. Change it, and the chances are that bliss will return. By the way, the TDI 115 was not introduced until late 2000.
had same prob on my r reg took in no faults registed every time it was turned of it reset its self found that when it hit 3000revs went into limp home mode wastgate was sticking freed off oiled been right ever sincetryb it

Thanks for the speedy replies. I had my doubts about the 115 but the insurance co. seem to have defined it thus without prompting and I've had a couple of other references which suggesed that rating. Either way, if it didn't give up at 2800 I'd be more than happy.


Re. mapping the codes etc., I've got the gismo for reading the codes from a Scorpio. Is that any good?


Also, it is not a resetting type problem and doesn't go ito 'limp' mode but thanks anyway.


Re the MAF, please pardon a groan - I had 12 months with a Scorio 2L auto and severe MAF type symptoms which I never bottomed, mainly because I was reliably informed that it was a new one on and I refused to change it again until I could prove conclusively that it was faulty. Only someone who has suffered this can appreciate what 20,000 miles of motorway driving with a random gear generating autobox and will understand the suffering.


Back to the Gal, I read somewhere on this site that disconnecting the MAF would give reasonable results but poor fuel consumption - hence may conclusion that it wasn't the MAF causing my problem.


It seems that this time it might be a good idea to swallow my pride and use the normal service approach and start changing things until it works or I run out of money or patience.


The MAF seems a good place to start.


Now, didn't I see somewhere on this site that they were available relatively cheaply.






That hurt!


Iwill offer a big 'thank you' to you and all of the contributors to your topic before I go back for a re-read and gurgling insanity kicks in.


I'm just off to get aspirin..........

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