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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

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Errmmmm, what more can I say, other than it appears that often polls such as these are not the best representation of a product, as they are often only completed by a very small minority of usually disgruntled customers !


Funny how the Galaxy and Alhambra get different scores for the same items! lol! The survey is about peoples perception of what they have bought, and not actually about the product! That is why cheaper cars score higher, because the buyers pay less and expect less.
I agree that respondants to this survey are self selecting, and may well only comprise disgruntled owners. But it should be noted that Mazda, Nissan and Hyundai owners seem less disgruntled than anyone else !

It makes me laugh when people who own vehicles that appear at the bottom of the list imply that the survey is flawed yet would probably crow about it if their car was at the top.


JD power is probably the largest survey of it's kind and should be respected as such.


Lets face it the build quality of Galaxies is crap and had you paid


Who was it said "Lies damn lies and statistics"?


The survey is not balanced because these vehicles are all in different classes - Yes they are all MPV's but what a variation.


I think my two current Galaxies are great - I have had three and although there are a few irritations I am very very pleased.


I didn't pay full; price for them I paid

We use JD Power where I work, and it is absolutely true that the results are at least as much about customer expectation as they are about the product - this, by the way, does not make it any less useful for us manufactures. The proof of this is the results for MPV's: Seat Alhambra comes out well in many surveys, followed some way down the list by the Galaxy, followed some way down again by the Sharan. One survey (not JD Power) even criticised Sharan reliability, and advised the punters to buy the Alhambra instead, citing good reliability as the reason!
I agree with the "perception" thing, but, having owned quite a few new or nearly new cars over the years, for some time... I can honestly say that I had a right to expect a 2 1/2 year old car with just over 30k miles and a comprehensive history not to suffer major mechanical failure - I would also expect that a car which retails new at almost

I do agree that these surveys are worth something. At least it may be looked at by the manufacturers and possibly they will pull their socks up when it comes to producing their next replacement models. Maybe just maybe they actually listen occasionally to the people buying these things........but I doubt it !

I believe this survey to be largest of its kind in the UK, however, does it actually represent a true cross section of buyers, or is it just a certain type of person who fills out these surveys, therefore making the results appear unrealistic.

  jkspoff said:
At least it may be looked at by the manufacturers and possibly they will pull their socks up when it comes to producing their next replacement models. Maybe just maybe they actually listen occasionally to the people buying these things........but I doubt it !

I can assure you that it is the main external Ford customer perception survey.


Along with all the other manufacturers they take it very seriously and base a great deal of their improvemnets and new ideas on it.


I think I have mentioned it several times on here, but I have owned a number of Fords which have come low down in such surveys, and I have had no significant problems with them. And I know of many similar people with no problems too.


Another consideration is that if the owner is (for want of a better phrase) clueless about cars, then any minor problem becomes a major issue for them. And if they don't know how to look after their cars, then when things go wrong its always the cars fault and not theirs.


How do JD do their survey? I would have thought the best people to ask are those that actually deal with the breakdown and repairs.


Who do you think pays J D Power to do their surveys? In many cases, it is the manufacturers - I would be amazed if Ford were not paying J D Power for the detailed analysis behind the publicised summary results.

One interesting thing concerning quality is the different approach taken by European and Japanese manufacturers. Some of my work colleagues have worked for both Ford and Toyota, and can confirm that the quality systems in place at Ford (which are highly influenced by German manufacturing standards) are world class, and every bit as good as Toyota. However, there is a basic difference in approach to cost / quality, in that Ford engineers are judged more on basic material cost, whereas Toyota engineers are judged more on overall cost - this is probably all tied up with internal company politics. An example of this is in the use of fasteners. At Ford, if an M6 fastener securing a bracket is calculated as adequate for the job, torque control will be put in place, followed by sample measurement, monitoring in the field, results fed back and any corrective actions necessary implemented, thus closing the loop and ensuring a quality result. Surprisingly, the attitude at Toyota is that where an M6 fastener may be just adequate, they tend to use an M8 instead and dispense with some of the control measures in place at Ford. An advantage with the Toyota approach is that it is more 'spanner monkey' proof than the Ford approach.

  • 1 year later...

The latest results from JD Power Survey (2006) seem quite surprising really, I know the Gals had its faults, but I didn't think it was all that bad compared with other models (105th - last), click to enlarge the table. I know its only to be taken with a 'pinch of salt'.






Bear in mind that the JD Power survey is not just about reliabilty, it's about the owners perception of the product they've bought and that includes the ability of the dealers to sort out problems. Given that this site has about 5000 members, that means tens of thousands of Galaxy owners are at the mercy of the the motor trade in general and Ford dealers in particular to sort out their problems. Is it any wonder that they're p!ssed off then?
Guest gooner52

oh well never mind :blink:


good 2 see the foci and mondy in the top 50 :D

  gooner52 said:

oh well never mind :blink:


good 2 see the foci and mondy in the top 50 :D


That's probably because Volkswagen had nothing to do with them.

  greg_68 said:

It makes me laugh when people who own vehicles that appear at the bottom of the list imply that the survey is flawed yet would probably crow about it if their car was at the top.


JD power is probably the largest survey of it's kind and should be respected as such.


Lets face it the build quality of Galaxies is crap and had you paid


Only time will tell whether my Citroen turns out a better buy than my Galaxy.


You may well be pleased with your Galaxy but the table is telling you that as a whole the Galaxy is a poor quality build vehicle.


I do miss my Galaxy as it is without doubt the nicest car I have ever driven as far as comfort, driving and convenience go.


What I do not miss is the regular component failure which over the 5 years cost me a fortune. I just couldn't live with the unreliability and threat of dropping me in the s##t whilst out with the family.


The way I see it is that all vehicles suffer from failure rate but as you move down the list the chances of you getting a duffer increase.


I see all to regularly people on this forum with much newer cars than I had are starting to suffer problem after problem.


And yes the

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