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I am looking for TIS CDs.


Where I can get them? Does anyone have this CDs and is willing to provide a copy for some reward??


I need it for 1,9TDi ; 10/ 2001. Haynes for newer cars does not exist anymore, unfortunately...



Guest lynchy

I would also appreciate it if somebody could sort me out with access of the said TIS CD.

I am gutted,just found out that my 2001 tdi has a leaking evaporator on the aircon and is going to be a very expensive job as its labour intensive.Wouldn't mind knowing how bad it is to get to and replace myself.

How crap is the aircon on Galaxys ? spoke to my warranty people who told me I'm not covered and also stated that I was the 20th Galaxy in just over a week to report aircon problems to them.

Lynchy - your car should be covered by the Ford warranty. Aircon on early Galaxy/Alhambra/Sharan is known to be problematic but I thought it was better on the facelifted versions. Unfortunately this appears not to be the case. We've had many postings on aircon sagas, including my own Gal - first reg in Jan 2001 and I bought it in May 2003. Aircon went u/s after 3 weeks; took 3 visits to dealer to sort out due to problems in [a] diagnosing what was wrong and obtaining spares due to lengthy delays. My vehicle needed new condenser and compressor plus various other bits; fortunately it was covered under Ford's 3-year warranty otherwise it would have cost me in the region of



I have to say honestly that I do not trust to ebay too much. In fact I am not willing to release the number of the credit card already at registration process...


Would you be willing to provide a cd copy for couple money?




(e-mail: mventoux@yahoo.com)

Guest ianstep


I have just been to E bay to get a CD manual and I too wasn't keen on passing on my credit card details just to log on. I have a 2.3 Gal Feb 2000, so if anyone is interest it passing on a copy of the CD please e mail.





If. like me, you are worried about credit card details on e-bay, do what I did and choose a seller who takes postal orders.

I sent off a postal order on a Friday and received my TIS CD the following Friday, no problems, no hassle.

I bought the TIS disk from someone on this site a few months ago but I can't say I'm all that impressed. Maybe I'm hitting the wrong buttons but I can never seem to find what I want. For example can anyone tell me how I find something as simple as what's involved in changing the oil & filter on a 2002 1.9TDI? Am I right in thinking this model isn't covered by the Haynes manual, either?
:blink: I hope that the Hayne's manual is better for the Galaxy, then it is for my present car. OK, so it was written for a country that we are divided from by a common language, but there's dumbing down and then just plain lack of info. Even wiring diags are sketchy. I guess its because the manual covers many variants as produced by various subsiduaries of the GM company. Is it the same for the Galaxy manual?
  • 5 months later...

I just bought the Haynes manual. It's a bit dissapointing - they have either gone down hill or there is just too much to cover.


The last time I bought a haynes manual was for a Fiesta probable 15 years ago and hardly needed it. Wow - times have changed. Had ones for a Dolomite and a Triumph 1300 befor that - was well used and great. But they were real cars.


Anyway - enough reminising - What is a TIS CD ?


What does TIS stand for and can it be bought officially ?


I think you'll find that Haynes do not even call their publications "Workshop manuals" any more. They have certainly cut down on the amount of usefulinfo, and seem to be more of an expanded owners manual now.

TIS CD - I don't think that you can get them "strictly legally" unless you are a Ford agent, but they are readily available presumably from people who work at agents.

:blink: I have a fairly recent copy of the TIS CD and have found it fairly useful on the limited amount of times I have looked through it. if anyone needs a copy leave a reply with your e-mail address on and i will contact you, should be about
  • 1 month later...
Guest montana_uk

Can I get a copy of this TIS CD from someone, please?

I can't order one online, but I don't mind if it is by sending off for one person to person, or by someone having it online somewhere (like in an ISO), and downloading from there.


Please help.

Cheers all,




email - montana_uk@hotmail.com


"What does TIS stand for and can it be bought officially ?"


TECHNICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM,.........doubt if it can be obtained legally.........moderatly usefull,assuming you are "diy mechanic capable"


I read on a news group that you may be able to get official VW tech manuals from their UK head office at Milton Keynes or from http://erwin.volkswagen.de/index.jsp

maybe if enough people pestered Ford about it they would release a limited info version of the tis for each car they have on the market?

by limited info I mean they leave out the info about the bits they dont want us to know about! like times and costs for each job!

  • 2 months later...
Guest Murdock

If Gregs offer of a copy of the TIS is still open then I would welcome one.


Think I could put it on my Web site as a ISO image if it's not too big.


Greg please email me to arrange this.





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