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Hi guys,


I have a 1997 2.3 Auto GLX - Petrol Galaxy which has started to vibrate over 50mph. It doesn't seem to be vibrating through the steering column, rather the whole car seems to be shaking.


I have checked tyre pressures and all is normal. It may be coincedence but after it passed it's MOT in July we took it on hols to France, covering 2,000 miles towing a trailer and 6 bikes plus the six of us. The vibration started towards the end of the holiday. Could we have overloaded/stressed it in some way?


I would be really grateful if someone could tell me of a few things I can check myself rather than hold my breath and take it to a garage. Could be as simple as tracking alignment being out?






Check the driveshafts and joints on it. I had a similar thing happen on another car, I injected a syringe full of oil into the CV boots and the problem was fixed.


Regards - John


i also like steve would say get your balancing checked out first !!!


although not ruling the c.v theory out


cheers PHIL

  docker said:
i also like steve would say get your balancing checked out first !!!


although not ruling the c.v theory out


cheers PHIL

I'd assumed that all the usual, obvious ones had been tried and ruled :(

possible tyre out of shape, most likely a rear tyre as not showing through steering , put it in park hand brake off and jack one side up at a time and spin the wheel , look for the tyre "hopping" or a "flat spot" on the tyre
  Topbloke said:
possible tyre out of shape, most likely a rear tyre as not showing through steering , put it in park hand brake off and jack one side up at a time and spin the wheel , look for the tyre "hopping" or a "flat spot" on the tyre

Yes deffo! Check your tyres first, as it costs nothing for you to look at them, possibly take it to a tyre place/garage -or- as my wife did once before drove straight in to a 'quik-fit' tyre/brake/exhaust outfit and they did a FREE on the spot winter tyre check, as it's getting nearer to Christmas (It must be in Aylesbury as I saw my first Christmas tree in a pub Friday lunchtime!!!) they are all going to start doing it, always try to get a second opinion...


Also check for a weld joint all the way around the middle of the car - you may have bought a bargain 2 for 1 deal!



If the symptom is more of a wobble through the car it has normally turned out to be a dry cv joint.


Obviously before going down this approach, do what others recommend and check tyres, balancing etc.

I've had a problem in the past on a previous car with "old tyres" causing odd vibrations; they balanced out OK and I had begun to suspect the CV joints. However, as the front tyres needed changing and the backs were reasonable but several years old, I went for a new set all round and the vibrations were cured instantly.
Also check your wheel nuts in case the local hoody has been trying to steal your wheels. I have seen this happen before where only the locking wheel nut has been left keeping the wheel on.
  • 3 months later...

just reporting back after a couple of months later to tell you what it was.


the vibration got worse, but RAC and the local tyre 'experts' couldn't fathom it.


They and I were all looking in the wrong place!


Today decided to swap backs with fronts just to rule out the tyre thing once and for all before handing it over to Dagenham Motors to do their best and what do I find on the back tyre - huge flat spot and metal coming through right on the inside where it's really hard to see without taking the wheel off.


Put spare on and evrything back to normal.


Anyone reading this who has an odd vibration, promise me you will take all the tyres off and give them a really good look - it might just save you life.

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest chrisadams
Had similar several years back, had wheels rebalanced and drives shafts checked before I found one tyre had a manufacturing defect, not out of balance but completely oval !!!

My beast also wobbles at speed,and the car vibrates from 50-59MPH



I suspect worn inboard CV joints, as it becomes worse under load,anyone replaced said components recently? how long? (diy)


Upside:- Children will become tolerent to fairground rides,


Furtherdownside:- Vomit in rear heater ducting.

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