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Right, not trying to advertise here, but I have done a deal with the supplier of these kits to get them trade... 2x H7, H4 or H1 lamps with all the wiring and ballasts with integrated ignitors.


The quality of the kit is superb, I hav had one on my Gal for about 3 months, and have had them fitted to my parents' and brother & sisters' car all are well impressed..


They come with 8000k colour temp bulbs, but can be supplied with any other colour temp at no additional cost.


Chromedome has a set winging it's way to him.. So if he'd care to make any comments...


As I said, not here to make a proofit from them, but if I can supply them cheaper, then I will!!


Have attached 2 pics of my own headlights taken the other day, IN BRIGHT SUNLIGHT!! Was checking out the space for the ballasts behind the lamp (yes there's plenty of room) and took the opportunity to put one of the "old" Osram silver star bulbs in for comparison... Can you tell which is which??





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could you take a pic of the headlights further away from the car...thanks


<_< matt :angry:

Guest vr6galaxy
  MATT said:
could you take a pic of the headlights further away from the car...thanks


<_< matt :angry:

I'm sure if you asked nicely he could get the lights upstairs and into the back bedroom and take a photo :D that far enough away from the car for you? :D


Here we go...










Enough lol..




Thanks GSMGuy, much appreciated, ime very impressed with the lights!!!


ahrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! someone has painted your number plate black!!! :D




pardon me, for being down in the dumps earlier.

Guest vr6galaxy

Any chance of a photo of the kit? and I'm not fussy where or how close you are to the car when you take it :D

MK1 H4 please :D


Photos of a kit.. H7 one actually - same ballasts etc, just different lamps.




H4 is slightly different as you can get a Bi Xenon, which actually moves a relfector over the lamp so you get HID dipped and main! but you need 60mm clearance behind the headlamp..




How is the bulb held in the housing? I upgraded a BMW recently but had to get an adaptor to install on the housing as it has a different base shape and lamp length than the stock bulb (H1).


Would p&p to Ireland be included?


I guess the kit doesn't include self levelling!

  GSMGuy said:
Velcrohead, cheque is fine, as soon as it clears the kit is sent for next day delivery - What model gal do you have?



Its in my profile, A 1998 2.8 V6 Ghia-X, with H4 bulbs.

Speaking of bulbs are they changeable in the event of failure.

Cheque might be a pain to get hold of, any other payment methods just incase?.


The bulb is fixed to a custom base - not like the remanufactured ones you can get from Ebay - I have seen them epoxy resin bonded to the remains of an old bulb before now - heres some pictures I have just taken on an H7 in one of my kits..







As you can see, the quality is excellent - we looked at loads of inferior stuff before we went ahead ant took the plunge, so to speak..


Also, not sure about the postage, I know it costs


Velcrohead, if you bank online, a bill payment is free to send, and takes 3 working days - also you can go into your local branch of my bank and pay cash in... Quickest way really..


The lamps should last the life of the car, as long as they don't get damaged - they have a life of around 3000 hours, compared to 350 hours for a H1 bulb, and less for a H4 (run at higher temps due to extra filament)..


With H4, there are 2 options.. There is a slight cost difference between the 2 options, but the most important thing is that in order to use one of the options, you need to have a space of 60mm directly behind the bulb.. You'll see why in the pics..


The options are..


HID dipped beam, and halogen main.. (cheapest, no extra space needed)

HID Dual beam dipped AND main!! (Looks best, performs best, costs a bit more, and you need the space..)


Here's a pic of the 1st option..



And the 2nd..



The reason for the longer unit in the 2nd option, is that it houses a solenoid that actually alters the positional relationship of the lam and the shield you can also see, this gives the same action as having 2 seperate elements, as in a H4 bulb, and one of them being shielded for dipper beam.






Received my HID's this morning, the quality of the product is excellent.


Fitting Instructions for Mk2 Galaxy


I removed my headlights for ease of installation.


I only replaced the dipped beam. Factory fit is dipped beam only.


The ballast for the offside headlight was fitted to a flat surface directly underneath the headlight unit.


The ballast for the nearside headlight was fitted on the left side of the battery box area.


On each headlight access cover drill a 20mm hole in the middle and fit a grommet. The grommet is not essential but makes the installation look more professional. The grommets can be obtained from your local electrical or DIY store for a few pence.


Replace the existing bulbs with the new HID's, DO NOT TOUCH THE GLASS.


Pass the two cables from the ballast box through the access cover and connect the four wires. Try and keep the wiring clear of the dipped beam bulb so that the beam adjuster mechanism still works freely.


Replace the access covers and test. Make sure the beam adjustment is still working ok. If not, check that the wiring is not obstructing the bulb.


For those people with Ghia models, this kit works ok with the vehicle's bulb check facilty.


The installation took about an hour and is easy even for me!


Can't wait for tonight to try them out.


I got my kit from GSMGuy and found him very polite, helpful and informative.


Can only say WOW.


I have a small problem. It was there before I installed the HID's.


The off side headlight adjuster motor chatters when in its highest position and won't lower the beam when you alter it. If you wiggle the bulb holder the motor seems to "bite" and the level adjusts. When you restore the level back to high it chatters again.......


Anybody got any ideas, is it the motor worn?

Guest vr6galaxy
Sounds like your assumption is correct about the leveling motor being on the way out :D there is one up for grabs on Ebay if you quick about it! not sure what model it's for though?

Chromedome - glad you are pleased, they really do turn night into day IMO, with regard to the adjustment motor, sounds like you may have some stripped teeth/threads on the gears, as they are only plastic - may be worth enquiring as to whether or not they are available as spares, rather than go to the expense of replacing the motor as well??




I'll have a trip to the dealer and see what they have to say. Probably have to buy a complete headlight assembly knowing them :D


I think it's been like for some time so may just live with it.


The HID's are brilliant, may be worth getting the alignment set up properly to get the full benefit from them.


It's really weird, everybody elses lights look yellow now, never noticed it before :ph34r:


I may have missed it but which version did Chromedome go for, the double that needs the extra 60mm or the single?


Does cutting a hole in the sealed back access cover allow moisture into the lights, I would have thought that it was sealed for a reason?

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