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Our Galaxy has a very annoying habit of when it's very cold (like last night, -6 or thereabouts), the central locking will not work and the indicators do not work.


This is terrible with kids as you can't open the drivers door, get in and then open back doors from inside because of the child locks ! (I can still open the front doors with the key).


I can't imagine it's a fuse as during the day when it gets warmer everything is ok again.


Anyone got any ideas ?


I would agree -6 is cold, but that was today's high here in Munich. Last night was around -20C.


However, I empathise with you - I have a similar a problem with the front doors refusing to open. This isn't an electrical problem, but is more likely to have been a small amount of moisture getting into the locking mechanism and then freezing. Consequently the door lock actuators are unable to cycle and DIs don't function. Problem goes away as soon as soon the heating is working and there is some heat soak into the doors.


Very undignified when everyone has to climb in through the rear.




-6 is cold enough !


Some frozen moisture preventing the door locks from moving would seem reasonable. Do others have this problem ?


(Climbing in through the boot is ok unless the boot is full of kids stuff - which it always is :huh: )


Yeah - I've had this problem a couple of times this winter. Last night the central locking system kept re-cycling because it couldn't lock the doors, got confused and kept trying for a minute or so.


A couple of months back I had the drivers door lock freeze in the open position, so the door wouldn't shut properly. I freed it by operating the lock manually from the inside.


Can't wait till spring, I hope my Gal can.


i had a similar problem with my old galaxy.


What did i do????


sprayed 3 gallons of WD40 into all the mechanisms.


seemed to fix it.


i also found that the doors them selves can freeze shut, where the door meets the car body - solution, warm water.




The WD40 is worth a try.



When I unlock the front door with the key I can hear the central locking working but none of the other doors actually unlock.


I rang a dealer and explained the symptoms and they muttered "Oh dear" and "That's interesting". No sensible suggestions bar taking the car in for a once over (for a suitable fee no doubt).

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