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Guest djjonesy

Hi, the headlights on my galaxy are worse than useless. Is this normal or are they knackered? When you put them on high beam instead of shining further ahead they just seem to spread the beam a bit more. Is it worth putting xenon lightbulbs in? The cheap ones on Ebay?


Paul Jones


You don't say how old your Gal is, are the reflectors etc in good order ? My Gal has the HID option and I can only describe the lights as spectacular.


Regards - John

Guest vr6galaxy

Looking at the vehicle profile on the left, it's a MK1 so HID's are not an option, unless you go down the aftermarket conversion road!

the bulbs you mention are not worth the cost, another member has posted elsewhere about these bulbs off Ebay and the short life of them!

you could fit a set of twin rounds, but they are not cheap!


:huh: The standard headlights on the old model gal [with glass lenses] suck :o


:( There was quite an involved thread about it some time ago, perhaps if you search for "headlights" ? :(

Guest vr6galaxy
  Dave-G said:
:( The standard headlights on the old model gal [with glass lenses] suck :o


Cant see how you can say that Dave-G? I dont have any complaints about my lights and nor does my wife, the majority of her driving is done at night down country roads and she has no trouble or complaints about the lights! maybe it's your age Dave? :( they say the eyes are one of the first things to fail as you get on a bit :huh:


here goes djjonesy a link for you if you wish to upgrade to HID's

How old are the bulbs? They do lose output with age. May be worth changing them for a start. IIRC the previous thread remarked on how good the standard lights were on both Mk1 and Mk2.
have you tried adjusting the headlights 'angle of attack' little dial on the bottom right of steering wheel.

:lol: VR6 When I had my mk1, I frequently felt they were totally unsatisfactory but tolerated them because I really liked the car :)


When I got my first mk2 I noticed a MASSIVE improvement.


This is because the mk1 lamps/lenses are a dual purpose "one bulb for two applications" (main + dipped beam) Neither therefore is optimised for a single path of light.


Mk2 has dedicated lamps and lenses,each 100% optimised for its sole purpose


:) You would have to have driven both on dark/wet roads to appreciate the difference :lol:


I the Uk sall HID systems have to have automatic levelling AND washers! It's down to the MOT inspector to check on these, but there are many reports of it not being mentioned come test time...



  Richmond said:
Do HID systems have to include an automatic level adjuster?

Legall yes they should, however..... I know of an Ultima Estate thats had H.I.D. conversion for the last 2 MOT's without a problem :lol:

I was wondering if anybody had replaced H7's on MK2 with a Xenon bulb that Autobulbs sell & if they noticed any improvement. Which brand did they buy?. I noticed they do their own for a reasonable price.

I have installed a set of Phillips Vision plus bulbs to my Mk1 sharan and they did make a difference to the brightnest of the light beam, but I feel its the lens its self that could be the main problem with the mk1 lights, as I had installed a set of vision plus bulb previously on my Yamaha TDM with good results.

I can recommend www.powerbulbs.com for the vision plus bulbs you also get a set of vision plus side light bulb free to which get rid of the std cream coloured side lights.



Topbloke - sorry, you are incorrect UK construction and use regs state that vehicles fitted with High Intensity Discharge lights shall have an automatic levelling system AND a lamp wash sytem fitted in order to comply. A lot of MOT testers are passing aftermarket kits due to sheer ignorance of the regs - however, I have fitted to my gal 4 HID lamps - yep 2xH7 and 2xH1 for the mains - My xmas pressie from my other half!!!! The difference is AWESOME!!! They have literally turned night into day - I opted for the 8000K colour, and I really think they are the best choice - I got quality kit - Aluminium cased ballasts with integrated starter, and the wiring and fitting could not have been easier.. I got mine from Ebay after lengthy talks with the seller who sells a lot of them and gives a full 7 day moneyback guarantee, he will also swap the 8000k bulbs for any other colr FOC if you prefer, even after installation!! If anyone wants his details, I will post them here if there are no objections..


Anyway, the main point of my post is... My Gal is 3 years old on the 3rd of Mar - So she is booked in for her first MOT tomorrow, so I can get 13 months on it... Let's see what Bi-Xenons do to affect this....





Hope you get on okay with the MOT testing regarding the lamps. (auto level etc..)


Any chance of some photos of the conversion. I would be really interested in doing something like this myself.


My previous car had xenons and I miss the quality of them in the dark but this kit makes it all possible again!!

  GSMGuy said:

Anyway, the main point of my post is... My Gal is 3 years old on the 3rd of Mar - So she is booked in for her first MOT tomorrow, so I can get 13 months on it...

I don't think you will get 13 months on your first MoT. It will run for 12 months from the date of issue and the second one, if done slightly early will run for 12 months from the expiry of the first MoT. Well thats what happened with my wife's car.


Whilst the regs state the requirements for HID lights, I don't think checking the lights meet HID regulations is part of the MoT procedure, they will just check the alignment. It will be interesting to find out.


If you take the V5, you get 12 months from date of first registration, and you can have the test done up to 4 weeks before date of first reg, so as Feb has only 28 days, 13 months on MOT. Simple :rolleyes:


I did this with mine last year when it was 3 years old (and on my previous car too).




Nice one, the way things are going I will probably fit them to my new bike :rolleyes:

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