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The 6inch wiring looms to both my rear doors have broken wires in them. They seem a touch too short so that the doors stretch the wires when fully open (or maybe the kids used them as handles). Quote from a dealer to fix the pair was
Guest vr6galaxy

Cheapest way is for you to repair the looms yourself, as long as there is enough cable left on the plug end to fix to just join and replace the broken cables as needed, leave one joint in the rubber boot and pull the other through into the door

sometimes on Ebay you can pick up a electrical repair kits, they consist of all the specialist tools needed to remove the pins from the plugs on the looms and replace and repair them, but they are not cheap!

or you could just buy the new looms and replace them yourself all the intructions on how to strip off the doors cards for both models are posted on the forum elsewhere, and then its a simple plug for plug replacement job and the jobs done

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