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Guest vr6galaxy

A 2002 02plate 2.3 Zetec or a 2001 51 plate tdi115 ghia ? either way your a winner if it means the loss of the zafira :lol:


if you believe half the hype about TDI MPG's that half the flat cap brigrade on here quote :lol: then go for the TDI the other plus point for it is the extra's the Ghia has over the Zetec which will help sell it when the time comes

for me it would be the 2.3 as I couldnt live with the smoke and the noise every morning after start up as we live in a quite, smokeless zone :lol:


..and the TDI will need a cambelt change at 40,000 miles whereas the 2.3 has chain-drive cam that won't need changing. If you are going to change it again after 2 years or so, the extra cost of the TDI is almost certainly not worth it in your case.

However, the TDI will be worth more, percentage-wise, when you come to trade it in, and you may prefer the driving characteristics of a diesel. Have you actually taken both for a drive and seen which you prefer?

I do a low annual mileage but prefer diesel as it's better on short journeys, more low-down torque makes town driving less of a drag, and I pay less fuel tax to the chancellor ;)


Ignore the petrol heads they've been sniffing too much in the way of petrol fumes.


Mt TDi gives out virtually no smoke hot or cold, is NOT noisy and is a breeze to drive. Don't look on it as


I'm with John on this - AND, if you've been used to the Zafira, the 2.3 will seem dead in the lower end, as you won't be used to having to rev the motor!


The difference in resale value should be apparent by the mere fact that it will cost you

How much advantage you will gain from a diesel will depend to a large extent on how you use your car. Frequent cold starts, short journeys and stop-start driving will show a diesel to its best advantage. Long journeys at steady speeds will show the least advantage.
  Andrew T said:
How much advantage you will gain from a diesel will depend to a large extent on how you use your car. Frequent cold starts, short journeys and stop-start driving will show a diesel to its best advantage. Long journeys at steady speeds will show the least advantage.

True but still significant, I don't know of any petrol Gals that can manage close on 50mpg on a run. Over Christmas I did an epic journey (for me), Gainsborough > Newport > Esher in Surrey > Gainsborough 500+ miles 49+ MPG (from memory 49.6)


Regards - John


Petrol engines run rich from cold, so their fuel consumption is worse than when warm. The fuel also acts to remove oil from the cylinder bores which is why so much wear occurs when they are cold. Diesel, being "heavy oil", doesn't cause this problem, the fuel also acts as lubricants for the pistons in the cylinders.

If you are doing loads of short journeys, it's a case of Heads you win, tails you don't loose.



What planet does vr6galaxy come from? Smokey, noisey diesels? On this planet we are obviosly a bit further forward than you as our diesels are smooth and quiet, and also if you don`t already know.......VERY ECONOMICAL. :lol:
  Turbo said:
What planet does vr6galaxy come from? Smokey, noisey diesels? On this planet we are obviosly a bit further forward than you as our diesels are smooth and quiet, and also if you don`t already know.......VERY ECONOMICAL. :lol:

Hey come on don't understate the case they are VERY,VERY,VERY,VERY smooth, refined and economical :(


Regards - John

Guest vr6galaxy
Strange that? fire up my 130 and stand behind it! even better follow me around when I floor the throttle! oh! the grey/black stuff off the rear end? scotch mist I'm told by those in the know :lol:
Oh great one, I admit to only having experience of my lowly 115 it must the extra 15 gee gee's under the bonnet that makes the difference. You'll be telling me next that you have one those old fashioned clutch thingy's ....... how quaint :lol:
Guest vr6galaxy

ahh :D you only have a 115 :( dont get me started on the 115! :D that old bus smoked like a good un! on start up or full throttle :lol: but it felt a better lump than the 130 :o not as harsh and able to hold the revs in the gears longer!




You'll be telling me next that you have one those old fashioned clutch thingy's ....... how quaint



seems you need one! you could use the exercise to build up your legs :D whats up cant you manage the 2 miles to work without the car? :D

  vr6galaxy said:
seems you need one! you could use the exercise to build up your legs :lol: whats up cant you manage the 2 miles to work without the car? :(

Well actually yes I can, BUT in the day time I do voluntary work for the ambulance service as a first responder, I get called out to RTA's, Breathing Difficulties, Cardiac Arrests and Trauma cases. The kit I have to carry Oxygen, Airways, Masks, Collars, Bandages, DeFibrillator, Suction etc comes in 2 large and 1 medium rucksack. When I get the call we aim to be there in 4 minutes or less. Now I know a world record sprinter can manage 4 minute mile so 2 miles home kinda stops me !

So in answer to your question, yes I do at times walk to work and I do enjoy it BUT on a day to fay when I'm on duty I have to be ready for a very quick departure from school.


Regards - John

P.S. Yes the 115 is fine as an F.R. Vehicle !

  vr6galaxy said:
ahh :D you only have a 115 :( dont get me started on the 115! :D that old bus smoked like a good un! on start up or full throttle :lol: but it felt a better lump than the 130 :o not as harsh and able to hold the revs in the gears longer!




You'll be telling me next that you have one those old fashioned clutch thingy's ....... how quaint



seems you need one! you could use the exercise to build up your legs :D whats up cant you manage the 2 miles to work without the car? :D

Well, my 115 is producing around 13 bhp more than your 130, and gues what... It's quiet and smoke free!!!!!!





:lol: 2 miles to work? Well it`s 15 to my work. I don`t go in the Galaxy - usually my old Peugoet 405 which is also a diesel ( and it`s a bit smokey on start up ! ). To be honest I`ve never tried an automatic Galaxy diesel. Mind you I`ve never tried a 2.8 either. It`s just the fuel bills that would put me off. :( And anyway because my Galaxy is a diesel being so torquey I hardly ever have to change gear ! :D :D



Test drove the 2.3 zetec.. not impressed at all. No low down grunt, always changing gear.. didn't seem to have anywhere near the 140bhp stated.

Feeling I'd not driven far enough I took the car 35 miles down the motorway and then back the the dealer.. MPG on computer 22mpg...no thanks.


Test drove the 51 plate ghia 115 tdi. Much better car BUT not IMO worth the extra

Just check that the cambelt change has been done - if not, get it worked in as part of the deal.

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