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I have a SEAT Ally TDi SE. Pleeeeeeeese help me, Im going insane.

When I press the "lock" button on my fob, all doors lock except the drivers door. If I open the door, the alarm goes off. (Expected)

If press the "unlock" button on the fob, all doors unlock, except the drivers door which then locks!!!! I have to reach in behind thru the rear door to open the drivers door from inside!!!!!! This is madness. What have I done!!?? Ive read about turning keys twice etc, but the manual isnt clear. I just want to get back to good old "lock" and "unlock"....but to all doors.


Also, my digital clock resets to 0:00 when I turn ignition off. Any ideas?


Thanks guys




Guest vr6galaxy
Sounds like the common fault of the wires in the rubber boot between the door and the A post breaking up and shorting across each other, the clock sounds like you have lost the permenant supply to it? check out the fuses to see if you lost any?
  vr6galaxy said:
check out the fuses to see if you lost any

Could be shorted wire between driver's door and A-post - which has taken out a live supply to the clock and also stopped the driver's door lock from working correctly. Definitely the place to start looking....

Guest vr6galaxy
Clock fuses should be F16 15Amp and F21 10Amp, the locking fuses are F30 10Amp F31 10Amp according to my diagrams

Ive checked all fuses, they seem fine. However, I have noticed the Voltmeter does not move after startup (ie stays at 8v). Shouldnt this be about 12-15v???? However the vehicle starts OK

Would a flatish battery cause these problems???

Guest vr6galaxy
  neilb said:
I have noticed the Voltmeter does not move after startup (ie stays at 8v). Shouldnt this be about 12-15v????

Where are you taking this reading from? at the battery or at the clock connection terminals? if it's across the battery then yes that's a bad thing! and could be a duff battery or a bad alternator!

did you check that both the supplies to the clock are live? the wires to check are the Black pin 1 and the Red/Black pin 2


from 98 onwards the fuses are F3 5 Amp and F12 15 Amp

IIRC Alhambra has 6-dial instrument pack including voltmeter - suspect it is here that 8v is being indicated. First step is to connect separate voltmeter across the battery at start-up, and when engine is running and stopped. You can buy a general purpose one for under

Fixed problem at last. There was a wire adrift from the loom at the back of a newly fitted CD player. It seems to need a constant 12v. So I gave it some and things are fine now.


Thanks for all suggestions.



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