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Drove to the supermarket yesterday in may 95 Gal 2.0 DOHC everything was normal. Coming back to the car after shopping, everything still OK until I turned the key in the ignition, all dash lights OK but nothing happened - the engine failed to turn over, it didn't try to turn over - everything under the bonnet was dead. All electrics appeared to be working but no mechanical response from under the bonnet.


Tried to start engine with headlights on and the lights went out. Engine earth strap checked and OK, engine still dead. Replaced battery, engine still dead. Checked connections to starter motor seemed OK, engine still dead. Checked fuses on main fuse panel, engine still dead. Reseated relays(as many as I could see), engine still dead.


I'm stumped, any ideas.




Jammed starter - if the lights dimmed when you turned the key, it implies that the starter solenoid is operating and that the starter is drawing the current. Try sticking it in reverse, taking handbrake off and try to push it. This may free the starter, if not, try hitting the starte gently with a hammer or screwdriver. Starter may have "other" end exposed with a square or hex shaft projecting - try sticking a spanner on it and trying to move it.


Let us know how you get on.

sorry to dispell an old wives tale but rocking in gear was for the old type starter motors and will not make the slightist difference to the modern starters admitedly a gentle tap with a screwdriver/bar/hammer usually works after exploring every other possibility, poor connections, bad earth , signal being recieved from ignition switch etc, immobiliser preblem if auto switch on bottom of gearlever
sorry to dispell an old wives tale but rocking in gear was for the old type starter motors.....

Well, that shows you how long it is since I've had a starter jam :angry:

I tried all of your suggestions without success. In the end I took the starter motor off the car and had it tested. To quote the experts - it's knackered. A recon for

Glad to hear you're up and running without too much pain in the wallet.


Regards - John

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