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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

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  johnb80 said:
The title says it all 'Sorry Guys' he knows exactly what he's done  :lol:

Yes, sorry you guys are driving round in old designed cars with very little goodies, no NCAP rating of any worth, with only 130BHP, seats which you think that they move an inch makes them adjustable, the list of differences goes on... :lol: :lol:



  seatkid said:

I did and it all sounds about right and pretty much my experience so far. Still at least when (if) it does go wrong I have plenty of dealers to choose from, can talk to head office in my native tongue and I have a nice looking car on my drive instead of some freeky design that nicked it's back window design from a 1960's Ford Anglia :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Obviously the arrogance is infecting him already, spouting off about a crappy French car in this forum.... what a cheek. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  johnb80 said:
  seatkid said:

I did and it all sounds about right and pretty much my experience so far. Still at least when (if) it does go wrong I have plenty of dealers to choose from, can talk to head office in my native tongue and I have a nice looking car on my drive instead of some freeky design that nicked it's back window design from a 1960's Ford Anglia :huh: :huh: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Obviously the arrogance is infecting him already, spouting off about a crappy French car in this forum.... what a cheek. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

The only one being arrogant about a car with a sixties look of a van is you. That is also a car designed outside of Ford, or else it would look like those fantastic designs they have produced such as the Edsel and Scorpio and Ka :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  AlanA said:
The only one being arrogant about a car with a sixties look of a van is you. That is also a car designed outside of Ford, or else it would look like those fantastic designs they have produced such as the Edsel and Scorpio and Ka  :angry:  :lol:  :huh:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Not quite, at least I'm in the right forum !!


You talk about strange designs have a good look back at Renault, talk about people who live in glass houses.


Strange how you views have changed, at the start of this thread it was a close choice now you're flaming the shalaxies......


If you want support for you Renault Escrap then go find a forum, I don't think you'll find support for the weird french design here.


TTFN - John




Er like yes, very similar to Fords failures like the Ultima, Ford have however now moved on.


:angry: :lol: :huh: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Glad I don't have to look at one of these on my drive, in fact I think if I was made to have one I'd park it round the corner.

  AlanA said:
  seatkid said:

Yes, the Alhambra comments on things going wrong are interesting. I see yiou don't put a link to the compaints about Fords on the same site.

I have only ever had Alhambras...and I was in a hurry....


All you lot calm down, what initially were wind ups are now getting out of hand..


I agree the Renault designs are more adventurous and in many way more desirable, but I also thought the same about the old Espace models, some of which now look

:angry: :lol:


I am no longer "in love" with my Alhambra (or MPV's in general), I accept AlanA's comments and can only add that only time will tell if Renualts latest attempt will suceed where in the past it failed...


Now, if you want to talk about great cars, lets talk

I really don't think that Galaxy owners are in a position to tick off anyone about the appearance of their car (except perhaps Proton drivers). You'd be hard pushed to find a more boring, anodyne, uninspiring and insipid design than the Galaxy, inside and out. Ford have in the past come up with some interesting designs (like them or not), but I suppose that the need to keep three car companies happy has reulted in the lowest common denominator design that is the Galaxy.
But this IS a forum for shalaxies and I DO like the design of my GAL, the Reanult iscrap sorry er Espace forum is only a few clicks away and there he will find like minded people that all drool over their beloved Renaults.
  Richmond said:

But it's good to broaden our horizons a bit, no?

very true but isnt owning and driveing a french car up in the list of things you dont try or do before you die?.........


1.folk dancing


3.owning or driveing a renault/citroen car

4.seeing your parents naked

5.peeing on an electric fence :rolleyes:




Although points 1 and 2 are how ever acceptable behaivour in several US States where you can marry livestock, the family pet or a fellow family members of the same gender! :unsure:

mind you I would willingly and publicly partake in points 1 and 5 before doing 3 :blink:

  fredt said:
  Richmond said:

But it's good to broaden our horizons a bit, no?

very true but isnt owning and driveing a french car up in the list of things you dont try or do before you die?.........


1.folk dancing


3.owning or driveing a renault/citroen car

4.seeing your parents naked

5.peeing on an electric fence :rolleyes:




Although points 1 and 2 are how ever acceptable behaivour in several US States where you can marry livestock, the family pet or a fellow family members of the same gender! :unsure:

mind you I would willingly and publicly partake in points 1 and 5 before doing 3 :blink:

Following Bush's (re)election, I understand that 1. and 2. are now compulsory in several US states. I'm not going to tell you how many of your list I've tried, but I can tell you that 3. has been the most expensive and the most fun, and is the only one which I still do.

I can tell you that 3. has been the most expensive and the most fun, and is the only one which I still do

Nurse get the screens, send for the doctors this patient needs a life (or putting down). :rolleyes:

OK I'l come clean............. I have done point 3 as well :unsure: 1.9 205 GTI :rolleyes: very fast! but expensive to fix when it went bang! of which it did several times :blink:
  fredt said:
OK I'l come clean............. I have done point 3 as well :blink: 1.9 205 GTI :rolleyes: very fast! but expensive to fix when it went bang! of which it did several times :(

Me too, V6 Epsace but I'm better now and completely cured. :unsure:

  johnb80 said:
I can tell you that 3. has been the most expensive and the most fun, and is the only one which I still do

Nurse get the screens, send for the doctors this patient needs a life (or putting down). :lol:

It's a Peugeot 306i convertible and is a huge amount more fun to drive and infinitely better looking than the Galaxy (not an entirely fair comparison admittedly, and designed by Pininfarina rather than Peugeot). It's also a great deal more expensive to run and the build quality is worse (although not as bad as you might expect). It's not practical for a family of four, either (we had a week's holiday in France en famille with it years ago, but I don't think that we could now).


I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but if you think that the Galaxy is a good looking vehicle, you need to get out more. The Galaxy is a bloody boring MPV. OK, it does it's job well, it's comfortable, decent enough performance, but it looks like a badly cut loaf. It has all the character of a Weetabix. It handles poorly. I run it because it's big inside, comfortable, relatively cheap to buy and run, reasonably reliable, reasonably safe. It doesn't exactly set the pulse racing 'though (for those of us who still have a pulse), does it?


Which of Fredt's 5 no-nos would you prefer to indulge in?


Number 3 please, Bob

(better than asking for a "P" please, Bob (onto an electric fence :lol: B) B) )



I still haunt the Renault Scenic forum from time to time

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