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Guest CraigSt

Hi all


My 99 Galaxy TDi appears to lose power when I hit an incline on the motorway. I can be crusing along at a steady 65-70mph and when I hit the incline the speed drops to ~55mph. I have the pedal fully to the floor. Dropping a gear makes no difference, just more noise.

Is this normal for the turbo diesel or is something wrong with the engine or turbo?

This is my first galaxy, I've only had it 6 months and also the first diesel I have owned. I love the car, but find this power loss a bit annoying.

Any help or comments gratefully recieved.


PS I have had the oil and fuel filters changed to see if this was the cause. :ph34r:


Your car is definitely not right. What mileage is yours and is it a 90 or a 110? The 2 favourites for this kind of problem are:


Mass airflow sensor(MAF) (Known weakness) cost ~

Guest CraigSt



The car is a 110 and now has 36k miles.

I'll get your suggestions checked out.


Thanks for the info.




As the mileage is so low it's not likely to be the inlet manifold.


It usually affects cars at 60,000+ and is a design problem. However if the EGR is stuck open it may happen sooner.



Hope this helps






Guest mstraxs



Id definetly say there is a problem especially as its a 110. I have a 90 TDi 1997 and although I can lose some power going uphill I can still manage to cruise up steep inclines at 70.

In fact I got my first ever speeding fine at the ripe old age of 32 yesterday. Nothing to gloat about I know but amazing its my first EVER. I got Pulled over with loads and loads of other cars by the French police at a motorway toll booth. Didnt see the radar gun but was clocked at 158 Km/h, about 95 I think. Anyway the point of this story is I regularly get 100 to 115 out of my 90 Tdi if I push it so yours dropping of is not normal in the least.



Guest Boggler
Just as an aside to this the French Police can and do use the times between Toll booths to calculate speed, and fine on that basis.
Guest Dave TDI

I have a new shape 115 TDI with 68,000 on the clock.

I have also experienced some power loss.

It doesn

Guest Barrye


This is what I did to check my Tdi (110) for tar. Pull the rubber airhose off the inlet manifold (top back of engine under wiper motor). Stick a finger in and have a good feel. Make sure you feel past the EGR valve ( bolted to side of manifold). Things may be different on a 115.



How you fix it - take inlet manifold off and clean out with a solvent such as turps ( This is much easier said than done). Do not pour anything down the manifold with it still on the car - you will create a hydraulic lock and the engine won't turn over.



As your power loss is intermittant it won't be tar. The effect of the tar is to restrict the inlet, so strangling the engine at high revs.



I believe the problem with the sensors is corrosion, and they are very delicate.



Hope this helps




Guest CraigSt

Barry and all.


You were spot on with the defective MAF. It has now been replaced, big difference in the performance.


Thanks again



Thanks to everybody who has contributed information about the MAF sensor. We bought a 1999 Galaxy Tdi 110 3 weeks ago. I took it back in to the dealer for some repairs, the sort of things which unfold after some time spent together. Because of the lumpy / hesitant power delivery and the information I found here, I suggested the MAF sensor to the mechanics. As a result, they now have the parts on order. (None of the other 3 things are fixed yet either, but it's good news)

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