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  T120 said:
As I said crossed purposes, re fredt addititional water pump???????????????? B) see owners handbook re models with additional heating, page 60; which you can set to come on before you get into the car on a cold day. This all works through the cars ECM :lol:

Yes, but there are two versions of the additional heater.


One is refered to as a "booster heater" and has no pump installed in the unit and no controls. This is the version the vast majority of us have. And the one I want to modify to heat the car on a timer.

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  Andyb said:
My Galaxy is in the work shop today and one of the things is for them to look at the preheater

Don't go on about it! :lol: B) B) B)


Masked Marauder


I know see what you mean, but do you wish to keep the booster heater in its own right and have your timer version as well.

Any rate best of luck :lol: and keep us posted.


The booster heater will be the heater on the timer. Using the positive supply from the alternator when the engine is running will cut the timed operation out, and it will then revert to it's normal function.


This will be made all the easier if a few things I will be testing at the weekend work well, including using the vehicles fuel pump for the engine to supply the heater.


Creating a timer for it is very simple, there are proprietry chips that will do this or use a PIC chip. I would favour the PIC chip because you can make it do lots of other functions as well like measuring interior and exterior temps. Send me a PM if you want help with this.


Regards - John


I have a friend who is an electronics engineer who is doing some work. The control module for the system will be worked on after a few basics are dealt with. Currently however, he is working on a modular TFT dashboard and heads up display system that can be retrofitted to many makes and models of cars. His time is scarce!


The idea of using a converted central-heating timer was the versatility of it. We did look at other options too, including the use of a Ir remote or radio remote, which is our fall back if all else fails! If the timer uses a voltage below 14 volts and miniature relays for switching then it is simple to modify an off the shelf unit.


But for now I have testing to do.

MM, it seems a hell of a lot of effort (and a fair cost) to go to just to have the rear of the car a bit warmer when you get in, or am I misunderstanding the purpose of your work? Or are you doing it for fun? Do you live in Greenland?
  Richmond said:
MM, it seems a hell of a lot of effort (and a fair cost) to go to just to have the rear of the car a bit warmer when you get in, or am I misunderstanding the purpose of your work? Or are you doing it for fun? Do you live in Greenland?

I don't think it too much trouble and I am doing it for something to do as well. It is not really a lot of work, just a matter of a few tests etc.

  • 2 weeks later...

Hi There,


My aux heater stayed on just about the whole journey to Bristol and then back (60 miles or more each way). the outside tempo was pretty low.... 6 - 8 degress dropping to 4 on the way home, but the temp guage read 90 degrees.


Also, it came on this morning as it has for the past few weeks. I had to turn the radio up to 9 to drown out the sound (Music on radio 1 to boot).


Surely this can't be right.... can it?


TIA for your thoughts.





  rusty said:
I had to turn the radio up to 9 to drown out the sound (Music on radio 1 to boot).


Surely this can't be right.... can it?


Surely this can't be right.... can it?



No you said Radio One and you never mentioned the mindless drivel or the constant repeats of the same crap played over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again only broken up by more mindless drivel from over paid and rated t##ts who love to hear the sound of their own voice spouting more crap ;)

I hear it's going to get worse sarah cox is coming back :angry: oh how I long for gun control to be abolished ;)
  rusty said:
(Music on radio 1 to boot).

Now I know you're not telling the truth, they NEVER play music on radio 1, it's the noise of a factory where they're hammering sheds together ;)


On the heater front, no thats not right.


Regards - JB

  rusty said:
Hi There,


My aux heater stayed on just about the whole journey to Bristol and then back (60 miles or more each way). the outside tempo was pretty low.... 6 - 8 degress dropping to 4 on the way home, but the temp guage read 90 degrees.



Surely this can't be right.... can it?


TIA for your thoughts.





The heater will operate if the water in the booster heater heat exchanger is below 85


Well I only said Radio 1 and music ........


I'm actually more a Steve Wright in the Afternoon man (grew up with it) and nowadays a Radio 4 listener, but I thought if I said Radio 1 music at volume 9 then it would give everyone a marker for comparison.


However, my daughters like Radio 1, so those of you who don't could be classed as 'old fogies'. Of course me, I love it being young at heart.... oh yes I do... honest. The morning drive to school is such a pleasant time.


Chris Moyles is the best presenter ever and Sarah Cox has a fabulous voice with a great accent that really doesn't grate on the nerves at all ...... and she's so classy.


Give me Cat Deeley anytime....






I can remember Mark and Lard starting on radio 1, they replaced tommy vance didn't they? or was it john peel, can't remember, too long ago.


these days i'm never really in any car long enough to bother putting radio on, didn't stop the super loud stereo install in the bug though...


any way, only noticed the heater on once this week and I've been out a few times, but not below about 8deg


Hi all, I am a newbie but I dont think my aux heater comes on at all either, I am sure I would have heard this low flying jet

Out of interest Where can the small exhaust pipe be found that the manual refers to for the heater?

Ian :)


Hello, and welcome!


If your heater was working, you couldn't miss the noise, even with the windows up - I had never heard it as the glow plug in my heater is faulty, and is on order - but last night I turned the combustion blower and fuel pump on via VAG-COM and it is quite loud.. Maybe your glow plug has gone? Apparently it's quite common..




With respect, I disagree - although the turbojet sound is certainly unmistakeable from outside the vehicle I am never aware of it when I'm inside with the engine running and the doors and windows shut.


However, the sound I CAN hear is the tick tick tick of the fuel pump that serves the booster heater. This is a known fault - completely harmless - affecting some years of production and I'd like to get it fixed when I take the car in for its service on Monday.


Can anyone tell me the number of the technical service bulletin that covers the rectification of this defect so I can point it out to the dealer? It was sometime last year I think.

Guest blatters

Ok here is some information that may help:


(1) I don't have the Tech Bulletin but this dealer does as they fixed my Galaxy's malfunctioning aux heater (white smoke and ticking noise) just a few weeks ago. They know all about the modification and are happy to help your dealer if they call them. http://www.harrisoncars.co.uk/pages/index.htm


(2) I can hear my 'jet sound' inside the car when it's stationary. To be fair, I have to listen hard. No more ticking noise now though!


(3) Go to technical section on this site and read the thread 'aux heater ticking and smoking fix'. It will give you some more information. Currently on page 2 or 3 on the list I think as at today.


All the best. Blatters :)

Guest david.m.coldicott
Re White smoke etc Aux. Heater, I have a "Description of Operation" provided to me by Ford Technical Information Centre which is based at PO Box 300, Walsall WSS 4QH, if you write to them their help is free, if you telephone 0906 5533447 calls are charged at
Guest Fardies

Sorry guys bit of a newbie.


My 2./5 year old Alahambra has just started belching white smoke from the auxiliary exhaust (rear near side near the exhaust) I don't wish to be ripped off by dealers, any idea what the problem is and how much it is likely to cost?


Thanks :ph34r:

Guest blatters

Go to the Technical Section and look up Aux Heater Fix (Tapping & White Smoke). That plus the previous email on this thread is about as much info as you need. Don't know the cost because mine was done under warranty. Dealer can quote and if they don't know the modification fix then they can call the dealer whose link is also shown on the previous email on this site.


All the best. It's worth getting fixed as the smoke can be dire!


Regards, Blatters. :ph34r:

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