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The rear O/S door creaks alot and if you squeeze the top is very noisy,none of the other doors do this tried silicon spray on seals to no effect,any ideas b4 i take it to dealer,its under warranty but i dont like losing it if its something simple 2004 130 ghia Thanks
Guest stevebm1
could just be something minor like a hinge adjustment.surely even a dealer won't take longer than half a day to do this?

What do you expect - it's a mass produced car that comes off the production line every 5 minutes !!!!


Not my comment, but the quote from my dealer when I told them that one of the rear doors needed slamming to close it.


I played with the adjustment and "improved" it after about spending 5 minutes on it.

The hinges are welded on post and door and have adjusted the striker plate all ways to tighten loosen lift and drop with no improvement the other three doors are fine think ill have to let them loose on it and hope for the best

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