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Previously reported on Galaxy ten most wanted fixes.....


When I bought Alhambra No.2 in 1998 I checked the 0-60mph time (because it seemed so pedestrian compared with Alhambra No.1) - just over 18 secs. (but within spec for a 90bhp)


I know its been getting slower these last couple of years (although now it returns ~55mpg consistently  ) so I checked it a couple of days ago - 0-60 in just over 34 seconds!! 


So time to try out (and photo/document) my attempts  at some cleaning techniques - basically I used Quantum brake cleaner (which is Isopropanol in a spray can) and a cut down cotton bud. Had a quick go, not really knowing what bit was what in the MAF, put it back and retested.


0-60 in just under 27 secs. Better but not brilliant. Definite kick restored above 2000 rpm but much above 3000 rpm it slows right down - so as the air filter was pretty dirty - I decided to wait and get a new (cheap) air filter next week to make sure that is not part of the problem before I have another go especially as I think I now know where to clean having looked at some pictures.


Will let you know how I get on- it may take a couple of weeks though...




I disconnected the MAF and got 0- 60 in just over 28 seconds


I bought and fitted a new air filter - result - no difference


I removed the maf again and using specially formed extension tube on my can, gave the bottom entrance of the sensor (furthest away from the plug) a good blasting with Isopropanol. Result - no difference.


The fine wire screen the front of the housing prevents easy access to the sensor.

Short of removing the sensor from the housing (2 security torx screws) and prodding around with a cotton bud I conclude that cleaning a MAF will probably at best give a minimal improvement.



:lol: :( :lol: :( :lol: :lol: :lol: :( :lol: :lol: :blink:


Who do we blame? - Bosch? for making sensors that drift/wear out or VW? for not designing software to compensate for drift (or was this Bosch?) and/or accepting this unacceptable failure rate.

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