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Guest grello42

Hi. I've just introduced myself in the new members bit but have some questions for you lovely peeps.


I test drove the Bammer SX Tdi 130PS and enjoyed it. But I've ordered the Galaxy TDi 130PS Ghia and I wasn't able to see it or drive it first.


So, I have a couple of questions that I'm hoping you won't mind answering:


1. The Bammer had the sports suspension option - will I notice a BIG difference with body roll and suchlike on the Galaxy, as it doesn't have this?


2. The Bammer had split climate but the rear ground-level vents were clearly blowing unchilled air - will the split climate on the Ghia be a "proper job" and will I get the roof-level vents?


3. Is the Ghia's cruise control as good as the Bammer's? I've seen some worrying posts about it doing it's own thing.


Thanks everyone.



I have a 115 TDi Ghia Auto just coming up to one year old next month.


To answer your points in turn:-

1) I don't find body roll excessive, I find the suspension a very good compromise and it can be driven in a spirited manner without alarming amounts of body roll (no my other car is not a 2cv !!!!)

2) The rear air con on my car has the high level vents that gives the required air temp in the rear. The rear temp is adjustable seperately to the front (there are limitations +/- 3 deg I think).

3) I can't fault the cruise control, it works very well with the shed loads of torque from the diesel.


Have fun.


Regards - John


Welcome, as a newcomer myself I can answer your questions in part at least.


1. Coming from a Citroen Xantia, I initially found the amount of body roll on our Galaxy a little disconcerting, but i've not driven one with sports suspension. The ride is pretty compliant though.

I find if I corner too hard the Dog vomits.


2. the Ford Galaxy brochure at http://www.ford.co.uk/ie/galaxy/-/- suggests that you will get roof vents, but I have a feeling they are one of the changes for 2004, so make sure you are not being sold old stock.


3. Your cruise control should work. Mine evidently doesn't but it's coming up for 100k. .


1. Body roll is certainly excessive on the V6 in some circs (when you're pushing it round a corner, basically); the set up is not up to the engine. This may not be true for the 115 TDi


2. There seem to be several different air con/climate control set ups. There is one which allows a +/- 3 deg C difference front to back. I believe it has a single compressor and two expansion valves.


3. The cruise control on mine works fine.


I have an 8 month old SX 130 Tdi. And to answer some of your questions:-

The rear vents will not blow cold air when the climate control is set to "Auto", however when you come out of "Auto" to "Normal" or "Econ" then the rear vents can and do blow chilled as required.

There is a +/- 3 deg. C limit front to back, with the front being a master.

The SX 130 Tdi does not have Sports suspension as standard, if it had Sports suspension fitted as an optional extra then it would have alloy wheels as well as the two are bought as one package.

  Andrew T said:
I find if I corner too hard the Dog vomits.

An admirable economy of expression. You know where you are with dogs. If I get a bit enthusiastic around a corner, my wife usually says 'For Christ's sake, haven't you discovered the brake pedal yet, we're not in Italy you know ... ' and so on; vomiting might be preferable. The dog doesn't seem to mind.


There is a mixed bag of views re the sports suspension. Some here on the forum have sworn by the much improved ride and handling characteristics whilst others say it makes slight changes to the ride / handling balnce and characteristics - Having a V6 like richmond would appreciate the slight improvements no doubt. Also, suspension setup can often be a matter of personal choice.


The climate control setup you refer to where you can actually have chilled air in the back from roof vents is called dual aircon. It used to be an option on all but the V6's but with the 2004 model year became standard on the ghia. So make sure you get a 2004 model year variant as has been mentioned by Andrew T.


The cruise control should be identical and mine works a treat.

Guest grello42

Thanks very much everyone - a bit of reassurance has been delivered!


I'm pretty sure it's a 2004 spec as that's the brochure I've got. So I look forward to delivery in about 10 days or so. Can't wait!


Speak again soon I imagine.





  grello42 said:
a bit of reassurance has been delivered!

Sound of banjo playing theme tune from "Deliverence"


  Richmond said:

An admirable economy of expression. You know where you are with dogs. If I get a bit enthusiastic around a corner, my wife usually says 'For Christ's sake, haven't you discovered the brake pedal yet, we're not in Italy you know ... ' and so on; vomiting might be preferable. The dog doesn't seem to mind.

I say something similar when my wife is driving! :o since it's been slammed and uprated all round she gives it a bit more stick round the bends than she use to :o god only knows whats she's like when she borrows my Golf GTI :lol:

  fredt said:
  Richmond said:

An admirable economy of expression. You know where you are with dogs. If I get a bit enthusiastic around a corner, my wife usually says 'For Christ's sake, haven't you discovered the brake pedal yet, we're not in Italy you know ... ' and so on; vomiting might be preferable. The dog doesn't seem to mind.

I say something similar when my wife is driving! :o since it's been slammed and uprated all round she gives it a bit more stick round the bends than she use to :o god only knows whats she's like when she borrows my Golf GTI :lol:


Do you have a dog? If so, what is its reaction to your wife's driving?


Come to think of it, my wife has a bit of a cheek complaining about my driving; she keeps her right foot pretty close to the floor. I think the problem is that she now does a lot more driving than I do and has become a rotten passenger, just like I used to be when she drove before we had kids (happy days) and I drove more than she did.


My wife is not allowed to drive the Galaxy!


Oddly enough the insurance was about 10% cheaper with her added to the policy as an additional driver rather than just having a single named driver.

  Richmond said:

Do you have a dog? If so, what is its reaction to your wife's driving?




no dog but two children, 8 and 3 yrs old, the youngest has her moments! sometimes she screams to go faster! other times she screams that she's scared and grabs her elder sisters hand rather tightly! strange thing is the last time she did this was while I was reverseing into parking space in the Maccy D's drive through :o the thought of another happy meal and the same toy for the third time in a month must have unervered her :lol:



I think the problem is that she now does a lot more driving than I do and has become a rotten passenger, just like I used to be when she drove before we had kids (happy days) and I drove more than she did.


its the same here, from years of taking it in turns to drive to work and back, and when not driveing using the time to catch up on lost sleep from the early starts, I find it difficult to stay awake if I'm not driveing!

my wife takes it as a sign that her driveing is thats bad that I cant bear to watch and shut my eyes in panic :o

Guest grello42

Have I got to buy a dog as well? :lol:


There's an old flying adage that when you go up in your biplane, you should take a dog a cat and a duck with you. The cat will always lean to stay level, so even in cloud you can see which way up you are; the dog will ensure that the cat stays alert and, heaven forbid, if you become "temporarily uncertain of your position" (no pilots ever get lost) you can throw the duck out and follow it down for a 'soft' landing on water. Does any of this apply to a Gal? :o

I'd have to buy a dog and duck (but I'm teetotal so almost certainly wouldn't :lol: )
Guest neil_wiles

I have already four dogs and five cats if anyone needs a temporary colleague for flying the Galaxy as for a duck will a guinea pig do as they love to hide in soft straw in fields ?


:lol: :o :o :o :o :o

Guest grello42

Do guinea pigs bounce?


I know a pub called the Dog and Truck, if that helps...


This post is becoming quite surreal - I am beginning to love these forums!


From experience, guinea pigs do not bounce very well B)

Fortunately it was not me that discovered this :P

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