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Are you losing any brake fluid? it could be the clutch slave cylinder starting to give up and leaking fluid into the clutch housing, but hard to tell without taking it apart. Does it go in ok without the engine running?


Mine started doing the crunching thing not long before the clutch gave out completely - started slipping and gave up completely a few thousand miles later.


If your not losing fluid it may be worth trying to bleed the clutch to see if it improves.

Edited by BrianH

yeah goes in all gears ok when not running I replaced the clutch/brake fluid about 6 mths ago (brakes/clutch were a bit spongy) so will have a look tomorrow I haven't noticed it slipping tho


Try rebleeding the clutch you might have some air stuck down there or old fluid that didn't come out completely. It does sound like the clutch to be at fault if your finding its ok when not running. Only other thing i can suggest is to try pumping the clutch a few times then changing gear to see if it goes in any easier. In any case it sounds like the slave cylinder is at fault but you may be lucky enough to sort it without having to pull it apart


Thanks I hope I don't have to pull it apart too will give these a try and post the results fingers crossed it will be good news


update i bled the clutch to day and problem is still the same had a look in the bell housing and there seems to be no obvious leakage dry as far as i could see any other ideas anyone thanks


what about the gear link cables would this give these symptoms thanks ?


The symptoms tell you that the clutch is not releasing completely, or 'dragging'.


Most likely candidates are air in the clutch hydraulics, as mentioned earlier, or a fault in the clutch cover plate. Probably time for a clutch kit.


thanks for the help going to do the clutch over the next couple of weekends, One issue I might have is my reg shows the car to have a AFN engine but the engine that is in is a AHU are these two different clutch kits or will the same clutch kit fit both thanks


If its any help the haynes manual only lists 1 size clutch - 228mm for petrol and diesel engines, and doesn't mention any different for engine codes or otherwise. It may come down to removing it and measuring/comparing to check its right.


I don't know if it will fit or not sorry, maybe someone else can help??

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