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Could be a split brake hose or line.


In any case, a complete and thorough inspection of all brake hoses, lines, calipers etc is recommended as its likely if one item has failed then others are likely to be in advanced state of deterioration also. Better safe than sorry.

You can get repair kits, new rear calipers can bought off places like eBay for not a great deal more, different story for front calipers though.

don't repair brake calipers, if a rubber seal has gone --then its gone and you need a new caliper. 


after all, you don't hear of many people repairing split condoms with Halfords bicycle puncture repair kits do you ???


handbrake mechanism works on caliper piston, so the main seal has failed. nearly every caliper you get nowadays is a recon unit---they usually take yours in exchange.  recon will have new piston & seals and will have been tested before its boxed,  main brand I know is brake engineering--in black/yellow boxes from most motor factors. 

    don't need bleeding kit, just some clear plastic tubing to push on bleed nipple. 

1.  when its all fitted push pipe on nipple and open it a couple of turns, put other end of tube into a clear bottle.

2.  top up brake master cylinder to the maximum mark, go indoors and put kettle on to make a cup of tea.

3.  about 5 minutes later check the bottle---should be filling up slowly with dirty brake fluid ?

4.  if not , gently push brake pedal ONLY HALF WAY DOWN a few times---this will start things moving again.

5.  top up brake fluid, carry on drinking cup of tea.

6.  as long as you can see NO air bubbles in the clear tube and its been filling up the bottle--close the bleed nipple and remove tube.

7.  GENTLY  push brake pedal a few ties HALFWAY ONLY-----this is to prevent damage to the master cylinder.

8.   now sit in the car and try brake pedal properly..............repeat the above steps if you think pedal is crap.

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