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Hi all just returned from holiday, towing the caravan, and the car feels like it's got a buckled front wheel.


The problem started as soon as we set off for holiday, as i could feel it very slightly and it gradually got worse.


The whole car shakes under acceleration, and it does not seem to be coming up through the steering wheel, also when i'm coasting down hill it's fine it goes away.


I tried the car with out the van and under acceleration it's still there but not as bad.


Anyone with any ideas with this?






Eliminate the tyres/wheels first.


Change your front wheels for the spare (do one at a time).


I had a similar problem when a front tyre (continental sport contact no less) developed internal damage (delamination?). It also pulled to the side with the faulty tyre. I think it was one that previous had a puncture repair but didnt check when it got changed.


The roll restrictor is bolted to the bottom of the engine and goes back to the subframe, i you look about the middle of the car on the bottom of the sump towards the back you'll see it.


Here's a picture with the engine undershield off (it actually sticks out through it).




and from behind




Don't worry my sump isn't usually that clean, I took the photos after removing and resealing it as I had dropped a piece of tubing down the Dip Stick tube !


Forgot to say I believe you can diagnose it by removing the plastic shield from the top of the engine, grabbing the cylinder head and rocking the engine front to back (really hard).  If there is any significant movement then I believe it can indicate a problem (never had it myself).


Crawl under and grab the driveshaft (both sides)near the inner cv joint....if there is ANY movement of the shaft , inner cv joint is worn. The Galaxy is really sensitive to any wear on the inner cv. This happened to me after towing also. Best of luck....N


ok all

checked CV joints and they are all dead,

a small amount of end float to be expected my mechanic says.

side to side motion they are knocking really badly and losing grease


Now then, here's the funny bit, mechanic changed all CV joints and drive shafts and the wobbly feeling is at between 15 to 20 mph instead of 40 to 50 mph as it used to be.


I've not had chance to contact mechanic yet, so any more ideas on this.


Bye the way wobbly feeling is a lot worse now at 15 to 20 mph than it was at 40 to 50 mph.


I'm towing the caravan on monday so i need this sorted out, so any thoughts will be appreciated.





I'm with silverbeast, roll restrictor bolt or rubber bush had it in restrictor, also I'd check rear wishbone bushes as they are crap design and part leaving wishbone to float about/wobble n knock, which in turn allows wheel to move forward when you accelerate and back when you take yer foot off.

Roll restrictor is fine says mechanic.


Now then i live on a hill, and most of the time i have to parallel park the car, and i've noticed a knock when when applying the brake rolling backwards in to the gap.


could this be the rear wishbone bushes that viperclive mentioned?  


Last week I fitted a set of J&R Drive shafts, straight away noticed a similar sensation but thought I could live with it.  However I also tried towing my caravan yesterday and it turns into a sensation like driving along rumble strips which is quite nauseating after a while.


Today I put the older outer shafts back on and the buckled wheel sensation has gone away.  I also ran it up while on axle stands without the outer shafts on and while the intermediate shaft spins true the face has about 7mm run out.


Not tried the van again yet, will get some better shafts first.


I've been doing a load of stuff on mine and while the J&R shafts were on I also had new front tyres fitted and also removed and checked the roll restrictor.

Sounds like the rear bushes, try a big shifter and see how much movement you have around the bush.

Had exactly the same thing on mine and had the wheels balanced today and its cured

I would have bet a months pay that it wasn't wheel balancing as the wobble was only apparent under load and between 15-25 mph

Cheaper fix than I imagined

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