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I'm new to this forum & I wish I had found you guys a long time ago as I've had a few niggling issues with my 2006 Galaxy (MkIII?). Most of them electrical, except for a new DM fly, gearbox & clutch at only 40k ;(


The current issue is a "Stop Lamps Bulb Fault" warning message.


I initially found that the top centre mounted stop lamp had blown & replaced it with a new 501/W5W LED bulb, but that wasn't bright enough & the LED bulb flashed when the brake was depressed, although the 2 side bulbs just lit up no flashing.


The warning message stayed on as well so I thought the system might not like the LED bulb.


So I installed some new conventional filament bulbs although they don't even light up even though the LED did???


Weirdly, I get 10.7v across the contacts, about 13v when the engine is running, I also checked the new bulbs on the luggage compartment light & they are fine.


Is the bulb for the top just a normal W5W/501 5W bulb?


It may be a silly question, as I'm usually driving, but is the top centre mounted stop lamp supposed to flash or not?


Also, which of the red sections & 11 bulbs are supposed to light up when the brake is depressed? I only get 3 the top & 2 the 2 P2W1's on the side under the indicators light up, none from the lights on the tailgate?


I've also checked all 11 bulbs in the red sections, the 2 reverse & 2 indicators with a multimeter for continunity & a quick swap to light them up, all bulbs are ok.


Would appreciate any ideas?






Found the issue, ignore the manual (my version at least) the bulb for the top centre mounted brake light is a 16w bulb not a 5w bulb.


I believe it's called a W16W the guy at ford just called it "the fatter one"!




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