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try to release bonnet and the cable jumps out. Have tried holding it in position even taped it in place,no good.Is there any way of getting through the front grill or any other way of releasing the bonnet?


Are you saying that it is jumping out of the internal bonnet lever in the passenger compartment ? If so dismantle the cable from the lever. Hold tyhe inner cable with a pliers and push the outer core forward towards the engine compartment. This mechanism works not by the pulling of the core cable but the reaction of the outer sheath moving forward. Try that  


If that fails, try to work your arm up between the radiator fan and alternator and try to get hold of the bonnet pull outer sheath that runs along the front of the engine compartment behind the front plastic trim. Push/jolt/jerk  this towards the Bonnet catch. I managed to do it that way. The outer sheath of my bonnet cable had cracked and deteriorated so once opened I cut away the damaged section of the outer sheath and used the cheap solid type rawl plugs that look like a splined shaft to replace the cut away section. cut them to allow the cable to sit in and then tape them up to for a solid run. Make sure the match the length of the cut away section or your outer sheath will be too short and your bonnet pull will not operate again. Best of Luck


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