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I recently travelled back from Scotland and got 170 miles into my journey when i had a sudden loss of power and something like a thumping come knocking sound from the engine.


Called the AA they came out and identified the loss of power fault in that the pipe from the Air filter to the turbo had cracked and come away from its mountings, solved, however we still have the noises coming from the engine.


I had been advised to check that the injector/s may be a little sticky and to crack them or allow them to just work themselves out.


The AA guy also stated that as the pipe had disintegrated debris may have found its way into the engine via the turbo. any thoughts?


Thanks in advance



Welcome. What age is the car and which TDI engine?


Can you post a photo of the pipe that disintegrated, or describe which one, if you saw which one it is the AA man spoke of?

Is the engine power back to normal after replacing the pipe, in spite of the noises? It would seem likely that the turbo was at full speed when the pipe "let go" so it would seem very likely to have bent blades on the compressor side if any more than the tiniest particles got swallowed? Bent blades would reduce the power at the very least.

It would seem pretty unlikely that any bits of pipe or compressor blade spat out by the turbo which were small enough to get through the intercooler would then get stuck in the cylinders - however anything making it through the cylinders and past the exhaust side of the turbo should then encounter the cat, where metal would get stuck and plastic or rubber would probably get burnt up quickly. Anyone else want to chime in on this? Possibly my knowledge of TDI plumbing is lacking something.


Is the knocking/thumping at every revolution or just on one cylinder firing?

Does the engine start and idle as smoothly as it it did before the breakdown?


When you say you HAD been advised about the injectors, I infer you mean BEFORE the breakdown? If so, what was the reason - i.e. what was wrong?


All the best,



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