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1997 Seat Alhambra 1.9 Tdi manual (was!)


On my way to work this morning the gear lever went very sloppy, and it will now only go into what appears to be 3rd and 4th (and reverse). I struggled to work (not easy pulling away in 3rd up any sort of hill). I'm currently waiting for Green Flag to pick it up and take me to SEAT in Maidstone. I'm hoping that it's one of the cables that has come-off or broken.


Any thoughts gratefully received - to calm my worried Visa card !!


I'll let you know the outcome. :rolleyes:

Guest neil_wiles

This happened to me and to my dismay the selector in the gearbox had sheared the 7mm bolt which secures it to the shaft.


The dealer was indicating that I would need a new gearbox, however using instructions vfrom a colleague who worked for a fraud dealer I removed the selector assembly and replaced the sheared bolt (it does leave the head of the bolt in the geabox housing somewhere, but a risk I was prepared to take).


Hopefully it may just be one of your cables broken or come off the selector arm.

(it does leave the head of the bolt in the geabox housing somewhere, but a risk I was prepared to take).

If the bolt head is in the bit with the actual gears that would seem an excessive risk. If the bolt head jammed between the gear wheels that could lock the gearbox and something serious would break or even the front wheels and transmission could lock and cause an accident. Not something I would risk.

Guest Davtona
Definitely a common fault, my 2.8 has this repeat fault due to a worn ball joint on the end of the contol cable. get a torch, look under and to the rear of the battery tray at the rear of the gearbox and you will see your errant cable end waving in the breeze. bit of a fiddle to put it back on (also scratched/burnt forearm) but this will get you off the side of the road in future. cable needs a new end, or replacing.
Guest SA Intruder
To add a little more to my comment, once the cable has popped off for the first time, replacement is the only cure beyond getting you home.

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