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my 1998 td gal as a lack of power so much so that on some roads iam down to 2nd gear where she used to pull 4th easy

all was fine we started to lose power so i changed the fuel filter all was back to normal then about 3 weeks later the wife had the glow plug light flash for about 5 mins on her way home so of we went and and had codes read only to be told we have a problem with the key remote alarm when i told the garage we do not have remote lock/alarm we were told that it was a code reader fault .????

and galaxys never rev above 3500 revs and we must have been lucky she would do over 80 mph in the first place


please help


i have just given her a full service changed all filters ,checked all pipe work, brakes ,injectors,timeing pump ect

but still no change

Guest nimrod
Do a search of the forum for info on the MAF sensor! its the most common cause of power loss for TDI'S
Hi and welcome to the forum as a newbie i assume that you are trawling through the various problems that sound like yours so here are a few idea's, maf sensors are a popular fault (mass airflow sensor ) try disconnecting and see if any change, does the vehicle black smoke while driving possible turbo problem . they also tend to gunge up the inlet manifold restricting airflow into engine (would also cause black smoking) may sound silly but i assume that the clutch is not slipping.let us know if these idea's fail as many others are out there and we will all try to point you in the right dirrection

My pals 2.5 tdi transporter had a similar thing it turned out to be the waste gate on the turbo hanging loose,it drove really flat and required more often gear changes up hill,but boy you really noticed the difference after it was fixed whooooosh....

:rolleyes: :P :P :P

as an after thought if the problem went away after you changed the fuel filter did you change the seal on the plastic bit that goe's on the filter these are a known problem sucking air so that not enough fuel gets to the pump

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