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Ford Galaxy Owners Club

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Guest nimrod

In response to b318isp statement of this being the only site of high caliber that I have found for this family of cars!


There are a few other sites out there but as you say they are not as active or as large as this one!

there are a couple of sections on Seat car forums that I visit for the Alhambra but again these have nowhere near the activity of this forum!

I wonder why that is? if the seat is such a good deal why does it not outsell the others brands versions?


Seat has fewer and smaller dealers when compared with Ford - perhaps that's why they have a lower market share...




The seat is a great car but the design and style of the front and that of the Sharon dos'nt come close to the looks of the galaxy, Long term ownership of a ford far exceeds these other makes for back up and cheap parts etc



Guest SA Intruder

Don't agree at all.......


Don't know where you go that from.


Seat residuals much higher than Ford, and parts and service costs are 20-30% lower - and they actually do the service with real oil.


Look through Forum for views on Ford's ability


Check your sources.


Big daft Focus look of later Galaxy is not to everyone's taste.


Personally I wouldn't mind driving any of them around - don't care that much what it looks like - point proven by the fact that I've got a Neptune Green Gal! :(



I supposed with the Shalaxy a SEAT to the FORD is a bit like the Skoda to a Volkswagen, the same manufacturer but a poor brand image.
I don't think insulting others tastes or vehicle choice is quitre appropriate. I chose my Galaxy over all of the others because I preferred it's looks and interior. Plain and simple MY choice and whether the Galaxy looks like a focus or not is nothing to do with anyone else, I LIKE IT and thats what matters.

Surely it's simply because Ford is a much bigger organisation in UK than is SEAT, therefore Ford sells more cars than does SEAT.


I cannot believe that anyone would buy a Shalhambra (or any other MPV) on looks! If you're looking for stylish design you could not be more lost!

Guest SA Intruder
Yes, you're all right. Well done. It's all about personal choice. Next topic.

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