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hi all i`m trying to go through my faults on my car 1 at a time, now i`m onto my parking sensors.


I`ve plugged in my vag-com lead and got the following results:-


VCDS-Lite Version: Release 1.0


Control Module Part Number: 7M3 919 283


Component and/or Version: Parkingsyst. SH RDW D02


Software Coding: 00117


Work Shop Code: WSC 00020


4 Faults Found:


01545 - Sensor for Parking Aid; Rear Left (G203)


30-00 - Open or Short to Plus


01547 - Sensor for Parking Aid; Rear Mid-Right (G205)


37-00 - Faulty


01626 - Sensor for Parking-Aid; Front Right (G252)


31-00 - Open or Short to Ground


01628 - Sensor for Parking-Aid; Front Mid-Left (G254)


31-00 - Open or Short to Ground


going off these readings would it be just a simple case of swapping the 4 sensors or is the loom at fault in any way?


thanks craig


dont know mate but if u go on vag com u should be able to read at what distance there reading , meas readings i think , channel 1 and 2 . when i tested mine all read 255cm but my broken one read 95cm. with this reading it showed me power was getting to the sensor so it wasnt the wiring it was the sensor . look on e bay for gal parking sensors; there s sonmeone from poland selling sensor s for around 40pounds each witch is half what the dealers are charging and they are genuine vw audi parts.

if your getting zero reading from the sensors id start looking under your passenger seat at the module to check for damp wires . i cant see wiring breaking at four seperate points.

ps meas readings should be directly underneath fault codes on your vag com.

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