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Good Evening All,


Have just recently purchased a 2003 19 TDI Gal and have noticed that the Clutch Pedal is below the Brake Pedal.


Cannot find a Haynes manual for the yr model at all.


Is there a simple way of adjusting this as i've noticed from other posts that gals are Hydraulic, and not the old fashioned cable with adjuster?


Any help making this simple as possible or should I leave to an Ex-pert?




Growler aka Bryan


There isn't a Haynes manual for the mk.II model, but the book for the mk.I model covers most of the mechanicals, there are no major differences.


No adjustment of the clutch pedal is possible, it's a hydraulic system which automatically compensates for wear in the clutch. It might be worth bleeding the clutch hydraulics to make sure there's no air in the system, but you you would probably be having problems with the clutch action if this was the problem. A low pedal is more likely to be a faulty clutch pressure plate, wear in the master cylinder linkage or pedal pivot, or less likely a faulty slave or master cylinder.

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