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hi guys on my old mk 1 galaxy the key remote would undo the windows and do them up, sadly this is not the case on my mk 2 is it supposed to as if i put key in door and hold to the right it opens windows and also closes windows so global closure does work but just not from key and ideas why it wont.


many thanks



Hi Steve Mine also only works with key not the fob. Just checked the manual it only explains the global closure with the keys only.



what a shame i so liked that feature on my old bus nevermind at least now i know, not good decapitating the kids then again sometimes i feel that way with my two girls only joking really.
i knew it wouldnt be long before you popped up on this matter, mirez is it hard to put it back on i must say it is a bit flash when you walk away and can do the windows up i love my gadgets, if not im going to have to save up and get an alarm i think and have it wired up to work.



As with all things it just depends on your skill set and background, its not hard but it is a little involoved. If you arn't computer literate you'll find it hard but if you know your way around DOS and have a general grasp of hex and binary then its nothing more then a simple byte change to enable it.


I would be happy to enable this for anyone who wants it, so next time you are over this side of the country I'll do it for you or alternatively I pop over to Kent every couple of months.

out of my league then i cant even opperate our tv let alone anything else like dos , shame your far away i could have invested in a bag of sweets for you nevermind have to live with it :0(
Would still be a lot cheaper then getting an alarm installed :(



As with all things it just depends on your skill set and background, its not hard but it is a little involoved. If you arn't computer literate you'll find it hard but if you know your way around DOS and have a general grasp of hex and binary then its nothing more then a simple byte change to enable it.


I would be happy to enable this for anyone who wants it, so next time you are over this side of the country I'll do it for you or alternatively I pop over to Kent every couple of months.


Hi mirez,


would you be able to PM me this information on what to change and how.


once i got my remote fob replaced i would like to implement this :(





But only because I hate reading old threads where the info went to PM and you are none the wiser! So, if you are reading this a few months/years down then line then thank me for thinking of you lol :)


You need two things:


  • A SERIAL K-Line cable
  • A laptop that with DOS installed
  • VDS-Pro


There are no two ways about it, USB cables just won't work. XP/Vista command prompts won't work it MUST be pure DOS. Vag-Com can't do it.

There are no two ways about it, USB cables just won't work. XP/Vista command prompts won't work it MUST be pure DOS. Vag-Com can't do it.


I'm aware I've written that twice but I need to highlight it :( Nothing but a serial cable and pure DOS will work, and on top of that we are going to re-write flash memory here - you need an ultra stable platform for this. I'll point out at this point that if it looses comms midway you'll need a new controller, if you arn't comfortable with changing this or if the values below don't tally then seriously - dont do it!


I've attached VDS-Pro to this thread, so you can download it - however if it gets trashed then it is/was available here as well: VDS-Pro Download Link


Boot DOS and run VDS-P. Open controller 9 and then use function 20 "RAM Read". It'll then ask you what block to read - we want 61003. Now, all being well you should get a decimal value of 17 back - which results from binary 00010001. We need to enable the second bit which gives a binary value of 00010011 which, converted to decimal gives 19.


We now need to write this back to the EEPROM, which requires us to Log-in. The security code for the galaxy controller is 21318 - that should come back as "OK" and you can now use function 27 "EEprom override" to store 19 in 61003. When done cycle the ignition and you should then have remote windows :D



Nicely done,


on that i noticed you provided the security code, do you have others , that can be used in VAG-COM


I have a TIS DVD arriving soon and I am thinking it might already be in there


I have some others, you don't generally need them though as its only really specialist functions that require you to login.


There are no two ways about it, USB cables just won't work. XP/Vista command prompts won't work it MUST be pure DOS. Vag-Com can't do it.


NO! :( Its all to do with hardware timing, anything running in a windows environment including VMware just won't work. VCD-P is donkeys years old - it simply can't be made to run reliably in anything other then its native DOS. Just try googling it, everyone concurs - it can't be done!


I been trying to find a serial KLINE cable and all i can find is adapters not interface ones like the USB one


I suspect the adapter ones are no good


They are really hard to come by now, however you could always just ask to borrow mine... -_- -_-


I've lent it to a number of people now. We've been doing a paypal gift payment of

Yup the last one will do ya ;D

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