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Hi guys


Got my Vag com lead and connected it up fearing no chance of it working but it did :(


Anyway all connected up and selected Sharan as the car (I hope this was right....)


Did the auto scan (I'm on COM4 btw) and module 1 and 2 were fine albeit it module 1 had an intermittant immobiliser start fault - although never had a problem starting her up (so far fingers x). Module 2 had no errors and then when doing Module 3 I got a pop saying Non registered / shareware version etc and bombed out. Is this normal?


Did manage to connect to various others including no 18 aux heater which had a flame out error.


I cleared the codes (hope this was the right thing to do) and so far neither have come back.






yeah i think your running the free version of vag?

so certain parts of it are locked until you part with more dosh to unlock it.


Some of the faults will be historical ( could be from a long time ago ) and may just have been caused by maintenance work....things being unplugged etc.


If the faults clear ok and don't come back then all is probably fine.


Don't know why you can't connect to Module 3 ABS ? might just be a bit twitchy, worth looing at your ports setting and try reducing the baud rate.

I think he only had a problem with 03 when auto-scanning with his shareware version of VAG-COM, which would be the problem.
  big_kev said:
Some of the faults will be historical ( could be from a long time ago ) and may just have been caused by maintenance work....things being unplugged etc.


If the faults clear ok and don't come back then all is probably fine.


Don't know why you can't connect to Module 3 ABS ? might just be a bit twitchy, worth looing at your ports setting and try reducing the baud rate.


I think I can connect to Module 3 (will have to retry tomorrow) if I go into the individual ones but not if I do the autoscan option. Can anyone try it on there's and see if it's ok with auto scanning when they get chance?


Also baud rate etc..... idiots version please (I do know a bit about computers but....) lol

I'm fairly sure it won't autoscan using the shareware version.
  sparky123 said:
  Mirez said:
I'm fairly sure it won't autoscan using the shareware version.

auto scan does not work on shareware version, you have to scan manually.


Cheers guys :(

  sparky123 said:
Thats alot of money for the full version, i wonder if there a way round it.


Remember it has a good resale value as well, so even though it may seem expensive its a lot cheaper than getting a dealer to do it.

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