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Am I right that a metering pump is used to supply fuel to the aux heater?


I have a problem where the aux heater doesn't fire up when the outside temperature is very cold.


On warmish days when I turn the ignition on I here a strange clicking noise from under the car for just a couple of seconds. When it's very cold I don't get the noise.


Please can someone tell me where this metering pump is and is it easy to change. The aux heater and temperature switch have both been changed so maybe this is the next step.




There are many posts on the Aux heater.


You should only hear the ticking noise when the heater is trying to ignight ie when the outside temp is cold enough (cant remember the outside temp but it is around 10 deg C) the ticking noise is the spark plug.


I had the problem on my galaxy but it was a 1998 I changed the spark plug and the metering pump - the pump was under the rear off side wheel arch.


You will probebly need to clear the fault codes before it will try to light as it will be shud down after around 5 failed ignitions

i have a mk2 galaxy and the metering pump just in front of the fuel tank in a rubber mount think its a 8mm or 10mm bold holding the mount in place and two wires that just pull off the pump mine used to make a clicking sound but now it doesnt so i think it dead if you want to see if your pump is working disconect the pipe befour it gets to you aux heat and turn the key if when you here the clicking sound you get fuel then it working does any1 no where to get the pumps from as i need 1 hope this helps
i have a mk2 galaxy and the metering pump just in front of the fuel tank in a rubber mount think its a 8mm or 10mm bold holding the mount in place and two wires that just pull off the pump mine used to make a clicking sound but now it doesnt so i think it dead if you want to see if your pump is working disconect the pipe befour it gets to you aux heat and turn the key if when you here the clicking sound you get fuel then it working does any1 no where to get the pumps from as i need 1 hope this helps





One there, not sure if thats a good price or not but its the right one for a mk2 diesel.


Had a bit of a fiddle around with the metering pump tonight, bloody freezing, and it worked for a little while and the aux heater clicked happily and fired up. So it seems the pump may be suspect.


Does anyone know if a GSF part is available and at what cost. The ebay link are claiming a new one is

Had a bit of a fiddle around with the metering pump tonight, bloody freezing, and it worked for a little while and the aux heater clicked happily and fired up. So it seems the pump may be suspect.


Does anyone know if a GSF part is available and at what cost. The ebay link are claiming a new one is

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