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Hello All,


Got in the Gal this morning, and it wouldnt start. Though it just needed a jump start but got home from work and tried to jump start and still nothng, Not even a click or an attempt to turn over....


When it is connected to the other car, all the lights work okay even the windows are up and down without any probs, so I guess its not the battery...


What is best to check next ,and how do I go about doing it.


These things happen at the worse time, as I am (or was) going on a camping hol next Monday with the wife and kids to Devon.....


Thanks for any help..




Adding that when I turn the key, the headlights dim like its drawing amperage from somewhere......??


Is this relay 30....


I will check all the other bits tomorrow, like water int he footwell....LED on door activity...

yeap relay 30..mine done that but was intermitant..seems ok now only took an hour if that to get to and sort out i just took relay apart and soldered all joints again easy job..or buy one not much..superb pics and explanation on this site in faks and questions..good luck..

well I have just been out to the car, no water in the footwell under the passenger seat. The light on the drivers door goes off when I turn the alarm off, then when I put the key in, it stays on until I try to start the engine then it goes off.


There is a little noise like the engine readying itself (normal I think) for a start, and then it stops after about 2 secs, then when I turn the key, the headlights dim and there is a clicking noise like a relay.


But nothing... Arrggg.,..,.,.,,.


Starter motor or one (or a number) of the relays?


Check the battery voltage at the terminals, both at rest (> 12.5 volts) and during "start". If it dives to < 10 volts on an attempted start, then either the battery is knacked or your starter motor is possibly jammed. If it stays above 12 volts at all times then examine all the battery connections/leads - i.e. the heavy leads inc the earth connection.


If you suspect the starter motor, try a bump start.



nb The 2 sec whirr when you turn the ignition on is the fuel pump priming.


Right, tried to bump start, and it worked,,, Started no probs.,... Went around the block, stopped outside the house, and tried to start, === Nothing,,, Not even a click...


Are we guessing the starter motor? Could it be anything else....??? That is obvious....???


Also, how easy / hard is it to change a starter motor,,,, Priced one up at

Starter motor very easy to change lower engine cover 10mm bolts and nuts just 2 bolts hold it on if i remember and connectors to motor..ive got ramps so its easy.price seems right for it..

Thanks for that....


Just to get peoples thoughts on what they think it is...


Wont jump start when connected to wifes car... Swapped the battery, still nothing, Voltage dips when I try to start..


Bumped it and it started and it went, drove great, stopped and then it wouldn't start again.


No even an attempt to trunover,

  Jimbo73 said:
Thanks for that....


Just to get peoples thoughts on what they think it is...


Wont jump start when connected to wifes car... Swapped the battery, still nothing, Voltage dips when I try to start..


Bumped it and it started and it went, drove great, stopped and then it wouldn't start again.


No even an attempt to trunover,

buy a new starter!!!

takes about 10 mins to change it.


Will I have enough room if I put a brick under the wheels... I dont have ramps...


Never took my undertray off... Also, whereabout is it located...??? looking at it from the front, is it to the right or left,???


Jimbo, get the local garage to do it, you obviously don't fancy it and aren't tooled up for it.



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