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Hi all, I have a ford galaxy V6 2.8, W reg.

The problem I have is that the old girl stalls at start-up unless I manage to keep the revs at 1000 or above. This state of affairs needs to be continued until the engine is warm / battery recharged.

The engine when warm now idles at 500 rpm instead of the 700 to 750 as it used to.

Charging of battery only starts at about 1000 rpm, battery volts jump up to 13.8V.

I suspect the diode / regulator pack as the battery is less than a month old.


My questions are as follows:-

1) Are my suspicions of the diode / regulator pack correct?

2) Is the replacement of the pack possible in-situ or do I have to remove the alternator?


Any advice or suggestions will be gratefully accepted.


With many thanks,



This is normal. All alternators cut in above tickover.


I strongly suspect you have a dodgy throttle position sensor, stepper motor or connection, check the multiplug and loom to the throttle body.


VAG-COM will positively identify the fault.


Supulchrave, what a star you are.


After clearing fault codes and driving her around the block, VAG-COM gave me a list of codes all relating to the throttle:


00282 Throttle Position Actuator -V60

00525 O2 Sensor - Voltage Low -G39

00533 Idle Air Control Regulation

00553 Mass Air Flow Sensor -G70

01165 Throttle Body Control Module -J338


Popped the bonnet up and inspected wiring around the throttle body and maf sensor. Nothing seemed amiss, but after clearing fault codes and restarting engine she is running like a dream. Must have faulty plug / socket.


The only fault code still showing is 00533 Idle speed regulation, adaptation limit (add) exceeded. This may also clear when fault repaired.


Any advice on curing this problem? (plug / socket)


Will a good dousing of Servisol suffice or is manual rewiring the only cure.


Most of those codes will be thrown by running with a bad battery, I wouldn't worry too much, servisol is always a good idea on aging connectors anyway.


If you disconnect the new battery and touch the terminals together you can hard reset the ECU and the remaining fault should then clear as well.

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